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Teachers Lounge 8-25-2011

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Happy Thursday! Today we're offering something unique: a quiet nap room - for MOMS! I don't know what could be better on this day that both my daughter and I are equally unmotivated to do anything. Sheesh!


What's for lunch today? Me: no idea! If I'm unmotivated for school, what makes you think I can figure out lunch! :tongue_smilie:


What's your weather like today? Here: overcast and humid with a high off 110*F! Blech. Wish there was a beach we could really escape to!


What do you do when you, as the teacher, are unmotivated? As in, you know all the reasons why you should get crackin' but the energy level and gumption just aren't there!:confused:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Happy Thursday! Today we're offering something unique: a quiet nap room - for MOMS! I don't know what could be better on this day that both my daughter and I are equally unmotivated to do anything. Sheesh!


What's for lunch today? Me: no idea! If I'm unmotivated for school, what makes you think I can figure out lunch! :tongue_smilie:


What's your weather like today? Here: overcast and humid with a high off 110*F! Blech. Wish there was a beach we could really escape to!


What do you do when you, as the teacher, are unmotivated? As in, you know all the reasons why you should get crackin' but the energy level and gumption just aren't there!:confused:


Talk to me! :bigear:


I should be showering and getting ready to leave for my chiropractor appt., but instead I'm on here.


Lunch was leftovers.


The weather is gorgeous- sunny and 75. Had a terrible storm during the night, though.


As the teacher, when I'm unmotivated, I listen to

. It's about staying motivated against a repressive government, but the chorus keeps saying to stay motivated, so it works for me.
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Happy Thursday! Today we're offering something unique: a quiet nap room - for MOMS! I don't know what could be better on this day that both my daughter and I are equally unmotivated to do anything. Sheesh!


What's for lunch today? Me: no idea! If I'm unmotivated for school, what makes you think I can figure out lunch! :tongue_smilie:Roast troll :D


What's your weather like today? Here: overcast and humid with a high off 110*F! Blech. Wish there was a beach we could really escape to! Same, although we could go to the beach I'm just to unmotivated to drive!


What do you do when you, as the teacher, are unmotivated? As in, you know all the reasons why you should get crackin' but the energy level and gumption just aren't there!:confused: Hunt trolls!


Talk to me! :bigear:

I just do not have a serious bone in my body today!!! :D

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What's for lunch? Today is "fend for yourself day". (Motivation problems here as well today.)


Weather today? It's sunny with blue skies. I sat outside and read this morning while it was in the high sixties and low humidity and it was heavenly... until the kitten decided that my elbow was her sworn enemy. Now it's getting sticky and toasty, so I will be avoiding the outdoors for the rest of the day.


What do I do when I am unmotivated? Hang out here, apparently. :)

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Oh I need a nap. Thanks. I was just sitting here dozing off.


Lunch today for me is leftover salmon burgers and kale chips. I'm taking the little one to the deli for a French Dip. The older dd is having her first day of her new enrichment school today so she has noodles in broth with chocolate milk and cantaloupe.


The weather forecast today is 90 with low humidity so it will be sunny and warm, but still cool in the shade.


Today I'm watching animaniacs with the youngest while I work (we've already gone for a walk and jumped on the trampoline). We haven't started school yet. I've found that having a solid plan for the week for the essential work helps on days when I'm not motivated. Those boxes don't check themselves. Of course every now and then, we sack out on the couch and spend a day watching nature and history shows on Netflix.

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I'll come back to the teacher's lounge even though we haven't started school yet.


Lunch today was tomato soup and grilled cheese for me, ramen for Boo-Boo and fish nuggets and rice for Sweet Pea. We are near the end of the month and pickings are slim so we are on scrounge mode most days for lunch.


I am also unmotivated today. I am still trying to kick this respiratory thing I have been fighting and taking advantage of the fact that we haven't started school yet to do pretty much nothing. I am trying to make some headway on the laundry today at least though.

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What's for lunch today? We had grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch


What's your weather like today? We got some rain and it cooled things off for a little bit. It's 90 right now and humid. Usually, by this time of the day it is already over 100.


What do you do when you, as the teacher, are unmotivated? Most of the time just buckle down and do what needs to be done. Other times we take an easy day and read or watch a video that is related to our studies.

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Happy Thursday! Today we're offering something unique: a quiet nap room - for MOMS! I'm not a napper, but if there's any leftover chocolate from yesterday's teacher lounge, could someone pass it my way?


What's for lunch today? We were bad today--we had frozen pizza and cucumbers for lunch.


What's your weather like today? Here: about 90 and sunny today. Keeping our eyes on the approaching hurricane on Saturday though.


What do you do when you, as the teacher, are unmotivated? I'm a "just suck it up and get it done" type of a person.

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