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Please help me; on the fence - do I homeschool her or not


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Hi all,

So, I am for sure hs my 6 y/o. She needs help, has some hearing issues, and now was tested and she may have auditory processing disorder - ugh. Poor thing. But, my 7 y/o is way ahead. I had them both evaluated at a Sylan Learning Center this week. The used the California Achievement Test on them, and they own tests too. As expected, My 7 y/o is about 2 grades ahead in everything (they didn't test beyond that because she would have been there all day). Our ps sucks, they are really going downhill... combined classes throughout (50 kids to 2 teachers - really 1 teacher so the other one can sit and pick her nose, but we won't get into that). The whole "gifted" program really doesn't start until kids are in third grade, and what there is of it, is not great. Should I hs her? I have asked this before but find myself nervous that what if I can't "push" her enough, etc? What if she would have been better in school? Can I give my younger one the attention she needs because she is struggling? (Plus, I have a 2 y/o).

I am using FIAR, MIF, spelling workout, Grammar for the well trained mind, Real Science for kids, HWT.

Please, any advice??

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Yep, you can! You're afraid you can't push her enough? Surely you can push her more than the public school is capable of (given your description). My son was in a class of 17 students, and the teacher wasn't able to push him enough.


The 2 year old complicates things, but maybe you can have your older girls take turns playing with the 2 year old while the other one schools. :) I have a 2 year old, and we're doing fine here. Would it be easier without a 2 year old? Yes. But really, what we're doing is easy enough to get done even with the 2 year old around.

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Now that my little one is in a 5 day per week Early Intervention preschool, I'm finding that it's tricky to have to HS around a B&M school schedule. There are so many things that we can't do because I have to worry about being in a certain place at a certain time. It was so much easier logistically when all my kids were home.


I would say pull them both, and combine them as much as possible. I find it's easy to teach the same topic in history & science and then just tweak to use easier materials for my younger student and harder materials for my older one.


For example, we're back to biology in the cycle this year. For each topic, they both read the corresponding chapter in Singapore My Pals are Here 5/6 text (it's on the light side) and in Mr. Q Life Science. DD also does the MPH Higher Order Thinking Skills workbook and Prentice-Hall Science Explorer. DS does the Singapore Start-Up Science Vol. 1 workbook and reads picture books like Magic School Bus & Let's Read and Find Out Science.

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I decidecd...I am pulling them both. I found out that the "gifted" program isn't so gifted. If the teacher says I can challenge the child enough, then the child can't be in the gifted program. Since my dd7 is way ahead in language arts, they will probably just tell her to read a harder level book, and if she is lucky get different spelling words. In math, I was told some teachers just add another "0" onto some of the problems and say here... you are now challenged. I can do better than that!


Thanks for the advice. I am sure I will have more questions as we continue our adventure.

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Just wanted to say welcome! The 2 yo thing is fun, haha. We're in the middle of that, so we just try to stay sane and keep the peace. :)


As far as independent things for 6/7, they might like the Mark Kistler online drawing lessons you can get through HSBC or the VP online, self-paced history classes. That drawing is only $40 for all your kids for 3 years of access, so it's a fabulous deal. The history is more pricey, but they're doing a free one-month trial right now.

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I tried. our ps is lovely and the teachers care. Even still it was impossible for them to truly engage and challenge my gifted child. He tried. They tried. I tried. They just have too much to deal with and ever shrinking resources. We tried a charter, which was worse.


He has a right to an education, and the school system has a responsibility to educate him, not just put him in a classroom with children the same age, or slightly older, and hope for the best. He has a right to be engaged, challenged and TAUGHT something. I could advocate for that, but I'd rather spend my time giving him what he needs myself for as long as I can.


PS wasn't particularly challenging for my other children either. So here goes.......

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