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I am retaining water. Am miserable. Help.

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I don't have ovaries anymore, so this is not a monthly issue.


I feel like the Michelan Tire Man. I am getting cranky like PMS cranky from water bloat.


I know a diet focus can help, but besides that? Any wisdom?


Should I consider water pills or just go natural with diet and massive water uptake? Advice?

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I would see a doctor. I retained fluid from two pregnancies and had pre-eclampsia. The water raised my blood pressure to extreme levels. I learned in the hospital that the water can go into your lungs also and cause your oxygen level to decrease and that these things can happen whenever water is retained (whether or not pregnant). So I would see a doctor to find the cause of the water retention.

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I have trouble with salt. Foods with salt include:

bread, and especially muffins made with baking soda

All american can goods

All soups

processed meats

mayo, ketsup, salsa, pickles, salad dressings etc

cereals, crackers, injected meats and poultry


sugar can do it too. so avoid it. (including juice)


I can handle about 1000mg of sodium per day. Look at the labels. You will be VERY surprised!


dump the salt and sugar and you will be a new woman. I am.


Ruth in NZ

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I have issues with holding B vitamins. Coffee is a problem for me too.

Is it that B vitamins make you feel nauseous or that your body doesn't absorb them?


Agreeing on the salt and potassium advice, as well as all the others - cucumbers, etc. Most fruits and veggies should help also.

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