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Anyone ever vacation... AT HOME?

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OK, so we are getting ready to start school next Monday and we spent all summer without any money or any vacations and we really NEED it. So since I still don't have any money but I am big on creativity I am planning STAY-CATION for this upcoming Wed.-Fri.


Here is what we ARE doing. We are going to disconnect the computer and TV for the entire time. We are putting the phone on answering machine and telling family to call us on the cell for emergencies ONLY. My friends don't have my cell phone. I want to do stuff with the kids but so far all I have is playing games and sleeping in our homemade Tipi in the living room.


One of my daughters wants to pretend we are going to Ireland so I guess I could throw in some stuff with that in mind. I need some help Brainstorming ideas for this. I don't mind going somewhere as long as I can walk or ride a bike there. Pretty much the neighborhood park.


I just want to stop, focus on the kids and just enjoy them for a few days. Any ideas?

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Maybe cook/bake something special- like individual pizzas Bike rides? Maybe some friendly competitions.....like the family olympics or something? Go through old family photos, maybe organize into albums. Have a water balloon fight. Let each child choose an activity for everyone to do.


No brilliant ideas, but maybe the brainstorm can help a little. At least it'll bump it up!

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My best childhood memories are of staying up late in jammies, telling either true or made up stories by flashlight. I've been known to grab a colander and shine the flashlight upwards to make stars on the ceiling. :tongue_smilie: Taking the time to talk with them, lights out, lying down, just does something memorable. :tongue_smilie:


Other ideas: do no laundry and no cleaning. :D Grab some postcards and have your dc write some and mail them to family members. It can all be fiction, describing a some kilted event in Ireland, and that's alright. ;) Before lights go out, do that upside down face thing if you've never done it with your kids. I think every kid should experience it at least once in their lifetimes! Take some pics of that too! Pack your suitcases and only use those clothes... refer to your hallway as the lobby, the kitchen as the restaurant, the living room as the parlor... or whatever terms would be different for your dc. Making it fun takes more work than a "real" vacation (away), but I believe the rewards will be that much more as well. Have fun!

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You might want to check your city website to see if there are free concerts or theater productions in your nearby parks.


One of our favorite non-vacation ideas is to put the tent up in the back yard. The kids play in the tent all day and sleep out at night. (Well, in the interest of full disclosure, dh and the boys sleep out. DD16 and I can't really see the point of sleeping outside when our beds are so close.) We even make s'mores.



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Ideas from our stay cation

-family bike ride

-picnic at local reservoir ( play ground, swimming, and castles and nature center)

-spent a morning exploring parks

-more swimming

-backyard badminton and croquet

-nickelodeon day -they got to gorge on TV one day while dh and I napped-had frozen pizza and sundaes that day


My kids like the outdoors so we made a real effort to ride bikes, hike and play with them. This paid off in tired, sleeping children.

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Ideas from our stay-cations:


-sidewalk chalk

-drew 'four square' thingy and taught the kids how to play FOUR SQUARE which was my favorite playground game in elementary school

-drew hopscotch board and taught them how to play that - that was my favorite neighborhood game when I was 5-10 yrs old

-found old movies that I had loved as a kid and shared those with them



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