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Can chills be hormone-related?

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Since last Thursday, I've been having chills several times a day (seems mostly in the afternoon/evening). Not shivering and teeth chattering, just goose bumps on my arms and a sudden chill. Lasts a minute, then goes away. Happens again a little later.


Could this be hormone-related? I don't have a fever.



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I think that hormones can definitely cause chills. After I had DD#1, the night I came home from the hospital, I lay in bed shaking and shaking. I thought I was coming down with something! But then, they finally went away.


Same thing happened after having DD#2. Now I chalk it up to postpartum hormones.

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I think that hormones can definitely cause chills. After I had DD#1, the night I came home from the hospital, I lay in bed shaking and shaking. I thought I was coming down with something! But then, they finally went away.


Same thing happened after having DD#2. Now I chalk it up to postpartum hormones.



I had some wicked after pains with dd2. The first sign was horrible chills that shook my whole body. Women can get hot flashes so it would make sense to get cold flashes.

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I always feel cold before I get my period. I don't know if temperature perception could be linked to hormones, but certainly body temperature does drop before ovulation (I know this from months and months of basal body temperature recording while trying to conceive.)

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