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How did you meet your husband or wife??

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I was going to college and working part-time at Walmart. I had a friend who was wanting to get together with dh's best friend. Because we were all 18 and dumb, my friend wanted to hook me up with his friend, since she was too chicken to say that she actually liked the friend. Anyway, dh stopped into say Hi to his friend and we were finally introduced (in the soda aisle LOL). DH tells the incredibly loving story about how when his friend first pointed me out to him (without me knowing about it), dh's response was, "Yeah, I'd do her!" NICE, huh?!?!?!?!?! Anyway, 15 years later, here we are. Those friends did end up getting married and having a baby. She was pregnant at our wedding and they were divorced before we had our first kid. So yes, my husband got me for a discount at Walmart ;) LOLOL

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I had just been dumped by my very serious boyfriend for a friend of mine. Another friend invited me to go home with her (from college) for the weekend (Halloween). It seems her brother was having a huge Halloween bash in an old mansion he and some buddies were renting/taking care of. I didn't want to go. My mother told me to go anyway.


Dh happened to be visiting a friend of his who was one of the roommates of my friend's brother. My friend and I went to the house before the party and dh was there. At the party, everyone else knew each other pretty well. Dh and I ended up together talking since we were the odd men out in the group. It was a huge, wild party. They even had hired security to help with parking issues. The guys hosting were kicked out of the house after that weekend. (One boy was even killed that night in a traffic accident while turning into the property.) At the end of the evening/morning, dh got my phone number. I didn't expect to ever hear from him again. Actually, I didn't think he would even remember me...


He called when I was at home for Christmas break. (Not even the phone number I had given him.) He had gotten the number from my friend whom he had seen when he went back to visit his friend...(complicated much?) When I finally got off the phone, my mother commented that I was going to marry this one. I just laughed and thought to myself no way. When I got back to school, he called again. The next day he sent me a dozen roses. We talked daily from that point on. Weekend visits to see each other started that summer. We were engaged by the time Halloween rolled around and got married as soon as I graduated in the spring. I married and moved in with a man I had never lived closer than 400 miles from. I was absolutely terrified, but knew it was right. We have been married for 23 years with hardly more than two cross words between us. I blame my mother.:D

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All these stories are great!


Funny story-I have terrible night vision and I wear glasses 24-7 as well. Of course I had to look cool so I wouldn't wear them in public. When he came to pick me up for our first real date, it was so dark that I walked right off our front porch which stood about 4 feet off the ground! After years of being married, I told him that I couldn't believe he still went out with me after that. He replied that he wasn't dating me for my brains anyway!




Second day of marching band camp my junior year of high school. I had been informed that the "stud" freshman trumpet player (who missed the first day due to a family illness) would be taking first part and I was bumped down to second. I was determined not to like him.


But dang he was cute. And quiet. It took two whole months to get him to say hi, even though we were in three bands together. My mom picked up on our flirting at band competitions and football games. He dropped my mouthpiece down the bleachers once, which convinced my mom that he liked me (:confused:).


On the way to all-state auditions that December, he was sitting on the bus seat across from me reading, and another guy caught me staring.


"You want a piece of that, don't you?". I was too embarrassed to say, "Actually, I want the whole thing!" After auditioning we walked around together, went to Taco Bell, and sat together on the ride home, where he experienced his first kiss (and lips too swollen to hide what he had been up to from his dad!).


We made it official the next Tuesday. And are living happily ever after!



Do you still play trumpet together??


I had just left home to live with some friends after graduating highschool...dad was not happy about that. I was dating someone at the time who was out on a naval ship...I ended up throwing him out shortly after he got back.


I met my DH at Walmart. I worked at the service desk. He had just arrived home from the airport to find his apartment building burning. Red Cross gave them vouchers to get new household items which had to be redeemed at a Walmart. He'd never been to that one because there was a K-mart across from his apartment complex.


I saw him walk in with his friend and told my girl friend at the desk that he was so cute. She was the bold one and told him to head over to me that I would 'do him over there' at my register. She didn't mean it like that, but he snickered and she looked at him like :glare:. Navy Boys.... :tongue_smilie:


We talked a little, while I explained the voucher usage. They returned with their items, we talked some more and he asked for my number saying he would call me. To which I joked, 'that's what they all say'. And he replied that, no he really would call, but it would be about a week or so since he was waiting on a new apartment and phone service. I felt a little dumb, lol.


He did call almost a week and a half later, but found out that I was in the hospital. My friend had rushed me there after I was having trouble breathing-I had pneumonia. He would bring dinner and a movie for almost two weeks while I recovered. Tucking me in on the couch when I fell asleep. He would sleep in the arm chair sometimes or have to head off to work. We started officially dating soon after. We married 7 months after we met and he was out on the ship when our dd was born, but returned home a month later on early Christmas morning. It was a surprise to me and our dog (who he hadn't met yet, but knew I had got for him and the dog was not happy that someone was at our door that early, lol).


That was 14 years ago :D...my girlfriend at the Walmart teased that you really could get everything at WalMart, lol!


Awwww.....how sweet. :001_smile:


"you really could get everything at WalMart" :lol:

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Small town rural south summer of 1987, my dh was on a date with someone and they had stopped at a drugstore(you want to guess for what):lol:


Anyway he saw me said a few words to me while I was checking out buying cigarettes (yeah I was 17 buying cigarettes) stupid youth


anyway I didn't get his name and he didn't get mine


forward to October of that year my senior year one of the girls (she was dating my dh's cousin just for story sake she married the cousin and had triplets ) in my homeroom class said some guy want to meet me, she explained his name and stuff. I had heard of him and tough he was married to some girls that had graduated a few years ahead of me.


Anyway he called me and we talked the first time 4 hours, then decided to meet in person during my lunch break. SO drum roll please I meet my DH at Jacks (a fast food restaurant in the south):lol:


But the Best part of the story is my DH fell in love with me at first sight he went through high school annuals until he found a picture of me (the girl from the drugstore) Then when he had a name he started asking around town and family until he knew someone WHO knew me.


My sons love the story and they say that newer song Your Beautiful just fits our story.

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He showed up at work and I was put in charge of him.


Ooooh, sounds naughty. :D


James Bond and I met in college. We lived in the same building. He lived downstairs and I lived upstairs. I saw him outside one day and thought he was hot. Of course I was smokin' so how could he resist? :lol:

We dated for about 3 months and then he dumped me. :glare: Our best friends ended up dating, so we made a truce (I was pretty mad at him, despite the fact that I was dating someone else at this point) and became friends. Three years later our friends got married and we were the honor attendants in the wedding. That night (after the wedding), he told me he loved me and I got on a plane the next morning and flew away. I was not ready for that mess again. Three months later we got engaged. :D

Our 2 friends were also the honor attendants in our wedding. Sadly they got divorced almost 2 years to the day after they got married. James Bond and I have been married for 16 years.

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christiancafe.com ... or, as I more frequently say, in an airport.


Incidentally, that first meeting at BWI happened five years ago yesterday. :)


I had signed up for a free trial of christiancafe.com in college, and met someone... it got serious, but didn't work out. I didn't go back to the site and never paid for a membership. However, your account stays active unless you delete it, so even if you're not checking in on it, it still exists. So years later, I got an email from them inviting me back for another free trial. I clicked on the web site once, decided it wasn't for me, and told my mother about the whole experience.


She decided that, as a "Halloween present," (what the??) she would give me a 6 month paid subscription. I dutifully checked in for a month or so, and got an awful lot of Nigerian princes and one guy from a weird patriarchal multiple-wives thing in New Zealand. I met one cool guy from Boston, and we went on one date, but I knew that that wasn't right, either... so I gave up, yet again. This was about November or December.


Fast forward to my birthday in May. I'm out with my parents for my birthday dinner, and I jokingly tell my mom that I'm glad she didn't pay for a longer membership, because there were so many losers on that site. She looks at me... and says, "But I did. I renewed it last month. You haven't been checking??" Sigh.



Eye rolling.


Why, oh why? Why waste your money, Mami?




A couple weeks later, I am housesitting for my parents. My mother reminds me that she paid for my membership, so I might as well use it. I go back, and check again.


The very first email I find after becoming "active" again is from a handsome man in Phoenix who knew enough German to charm me. (PHOENIX? I lived in Baltimore at the time, my parents live near Philadelphia, many of my friends were in D.C. I was definitely a mid-Atlantic girl these days.)


Well... that was it.


A few days later I email my mother and tell her about the cool guy I met and how he's flying out to meet me on August 18th. ;)



We were married in February of the next year, and even though I can't say I LOVE Phoenix, I do love our church and friends and most of all, his family who all live around here... so if someone in your family tries to matchmake you, either in person or online... don't roll your eyes. Every once in a while, give it a shot. You might be surprised. :)

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