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I watched all the Harry Potter movies in 30 hours!

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On Wednesday afternoon, I fell and sprained my ankle. After the nice doctor told me it wasn't broken, but that I did need to stay off it completely for a few days with ice and elevation, I had no idea what to do with my time. Talk about bored.


Thursday afternoon, dh came home and said that Harry Potter and Cowboys and Aliens was playing at the drive in. Since my parents took our youngers so I could have a break, we could take the oldest with us. He's been wanting to see the last movie.


So....I've never seen a single Harry Potter movie. I don't know how that happened exactly, but there I was. We started the first one at 6:00 on Thursday evening. Finished the movies here at home at 6:30ish Friday evening. Just in time to head out to the theater and see number 7.


I enjoyed the movies, but boy, was I tired of that theme song! Oh, and I got quite a bit of knitting and cross stitching done.


I wouldn't recommend this method to everyone though...:lol:

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What a fun 30 hours! :D I would love to do that. We've done something similar with these series and with Star Wars - seeing one episode every Sunday or so.

We've seen them all the Harry Potters a few times and we saw the last one while we were in London. Absolutely love these movies.

Ds was devastated that we couldn't make it to the premiere. But we got to go to Platform 9 3/4 (not a real platform, more like a wallpaper-covered bit of wall :lol:) and we went to Number 4 Privet Drive, which was nice. :)

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