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I saw a little girl make fun of DS4's tummy tonight. :(

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I just wanted to cry. Thankfully DS didn't see her. He's 4, will be 5 in a few months. He has a tummy. He's not big enough to wear husky sizes. Isn't it fairly common for kids his age to still have a tummy? Even though he didn't see, I felt so awful for him. And I felt like I'd let him down, like he has a tummy because I've done something wrong, failed him. I'm still upset, my mom and DH are out tonight (not together), so I'm posting here. For sympathy, advice, I don't know. Just upset. :(

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My DD had a huge tummy till right after she turned four. It was not fat....it was just that bloated looking toddler tummy that I thought would never go away. I actually just noticed her tummy the other day (she's 4 years and 5 months) and noticed that it is most definitely going away.


Other kids can be so cruel!

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That is terrible! :grouphug: to you! That being said my youngest is 7. She is pretty small and up until about 6 months ago she had a tummy. I worried and worried over this and asked the doc about it. Her weight and height have always been on the below side so I thought maybe she had some problems. He said it was normal when they are pretty small to have a bloated belly look. She just hit 40 lbs by the way so she is short lol.


But they all grow out of that baby belly look in time some sooner some later. I also could tell you my oldest daughter was a butterball turkey when she was young. I kid you not so chunky you can't see her neck! She dropped it all and looking at her today you could never tell, she is a bean pole. Your son is beautiful, all children are don't sweat it.

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I had a daughter that at 5 was so skinny that the "skinny" sized pants for kids wouldn't fit. She would wear 12month pants as shorts. And if you just looked at her tummy, she looked pregnant because it was so huge compared to the rest of her body. We actually have some very funny pregnant pictures we took of her holding her belly. It is very normal. :-) *hugs*

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