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Teachers' Lounge 8-9-2011

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We're back to being in the lounge. It's just plain COOLER (temp-wise) in here! :D


What's for lunch? We had an oh-so-healthy lunch (:tongue_smilie:) at Target: Kids had pretzel combos and I had a nacho combo. Yeah, I know.


What's weird about today? Me: After vitamins, a Starbucks coffee and one and a half Target cups full of Mt. Dew, I'm finally beginning to feel awake today! :confused:


What do you wish? Me: I wish that I do not have to spend ANY more summers in the desert AND that I felt more prepared for this year of homeschooling. :tongue_smilie:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch - salad (mixed greens, zucchini, carrots, feta cheese, dressing), a couple of pieces of cheese, 1 sq. Lindt dark choc. with Touch of Sea Salt


Weird - It is weird not having sweet Libby here (our female Springer). But she came through her emergency spay just fine. We go to visit her later.


Wish - That someone had cloned me. . . (too much to do and all I want to do is to curl up with a good book to veg.)

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What's for lunch? Cold, leftover meatloaf. I love meatloaf. One of the kids is having park-day snacks while the other is having pastina cooked in broth (she's still sick).


What's weird about today? Hubby is at the park with middle child with my friends since I took the morning off to take oldest to the airport. I'm home working and watching cartoons with youngest. This is not at all how a Tuesday is supposed to be.


What do you wish? I wish I were at the park in the sun with my friends.


Hey, next time you're at Target, can you get school supplies for me? I have a list.

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Lunch -- for the kids it was pasta w/ chicken & alfredo sauce; for me it was 1/2 an avacado w/ chia seeds, 2 tomatoes from my friend's garden, and a serving of white beans


Weird -- did laundry today & my laundry baskets are all completely empty!


Wish -- that I felt more alert today; don't know why I'm feeling so draggy...

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What's for lunch? Pizza at a local pizza place giving me coupons fgor our back to school party. Not so great pizza but I was gald to get the coupons to pass out.


What's weird about today? Nothing. Or maybe I have been too busy to notice.


What do you wish? That I hadn't volunteered to host the back to school party, that I could just go away, by myself, for about 3 days to recharge. I am just very tired.

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Lunch: Hot tea and a Nutri-something bar.


Weird: The heavy rain that came out of nowhere this morning, and then left just as quickly. The weird part was me running around maniacally opening, then closing, then opening windows, pulling fans out and putting fans back in...Good grief, what a dumb exercise program. What I should have been doing was simply bringing my shoes in off the porch instead of letting them get filled with rain.


Wish: I just wish my shoes were dry.


Jean, hope you get your dog home soon!

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