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Another semi-lurker steps forward

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After all the talk of trolls today (apparently there was some excitement around here over the weekend!)... I think I need to introduce myself formally. :)


This is my 3rd year homeschooling (wow!) and we've been following WTM the whole time. My kiddo is 7, in second grade. We didn't plan to homeschool, although we were always interested in it, until he developed severe allergies. Finding out that we would have to *fight* to have his epi-pens in the classroom put us on the fence between homeschooling and public school. Then, we took him to register for K, just to keep our options open. Oh my. The teacher took him back for a test, brought him out and said, in a sickly sweet voice, "He scored 100! I just don't know what we're going to teach him!" ...Not the best comment for 2 parents sitting on the fence, she tipped us right over the edge. We've never looked back. It's been the best thing to happen to our family in a long time!


We also have a 3 month old. She was our surprise visit from the stork. :) We are approved foster parents, and we were expecting a foster kiddo, rather than a little bundle that would be ours from the start. She is our little miracle!


We have a not-quite-20 year old as well. He is my bonus kid, my wedding gift from DH. I was privileged to help raise him, and am still privileged to call him son. SS has some issues, but we are working through them together.


Oh! And DH... :) We've been married 12 years. We have a great story, super sweet story, and I don't want you all to need dental work after reading it... Think "An Affair to Remember" ... It took us 11 years to get married, but he was my first love!


I love this forum. It has deepened my relationship with Amazon in a meaningful way (Amazon loves that I read posts here and immediately go shop), and truly, you all are amazing. Thanks for the help you've provided! I wish I'd found you all before my kiddo was in first grade, as I think it would have spared me some painfully bad curriculum choices.


(No signature... I have no idea how to create one, or how to make it pretty the way you all do!)


Thanks for being here, from another real person.

Edited by Spryte
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Hi! Nice to meet you.


Sigs are easy. Go to the User Control Panel (see the blue bar at the top of the page. Once you click UCP look in the side bar to the left. There you'll see Edit Signature. Click that any you'll be taken to a text box similar to the posting box. There you can create your siggy.

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