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had to stand for 7 hours at the Taylor Swift concert (no seats)

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I took dd to the T. Swift concert at the Eagles Stadium in Philly for her Sweet 16th. She bought 2 tickets on Sutbhub for orchestra pit. Now we have gotten orchestra pit for several Jonas Bros concers before and there have always been fairly comfortable padded seats set up to sit on, even tho most people stand during the actual concert, the seats are still there for the oldsters like me to sit in sometimes. Well we dropped off ds at sils' at 1 pm, drove to Philly (stopped to eat on the way, good thing we did) got to the concert at 4 waited in line till 5 and then entered the Stadium


Got to the orchestra pit and NO SEATS at all. My dd said it was like a Mosh Pit only she assumed there would be no moshing at a Taylor Swift concert lol.


Well we got the front near the catwalk and right next to a railing. Thank goodness for that railing or I would have collapesed sometime during the evening. On the other side of the railing there was about a 2-3 feet space that was sectioned off for the press to come in for just a short while, otherwise we had people (mostly teen girls) squashing us the other 3 sides of us. We were so squashed that we could not have squeezed thru to leave for any reason. We were standing there for 7 hours, I have a bit of claustrophobia so often times I just had to look at the railing and take deep breathes. I wouldn't leave my dd there alone as she is tiny and could have gotten squashed easily. I did lean on the railing as much as possible but the last 45 min. of the show, my back was killing me and I don't have back problems. My dd said that she felt numb from not moving. When the concert ended we ran to buy bottles of water, we were so thirsty, also took us a while to find dh waiting for us outside, it was a madhouse getting out of the area. Drove home, picked up ds at sil's house and got into bed at 2 am. It was Sat night that we went to the concert, we had to rest all of Sunday and finally felt normal today.


On a positive note, the concert was great, Taylor was very good, BEAUTIFUL costumes that she wore, good sound system, pretty sets. She flew out over the audience in a balcony during Love Story. I really liked one of her opening acts, his name is James Wesley, he was really good, very country.


P.s I told dd NO MORE MOSH PITS, I am too old for that. I need a seat lol.


well this is about as exciting as my life gets, hopefully not exciting enough to be considered a troll lol.

Edited by Jeannie in NJ
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Oh man!!!! 7 hours is a LONG time!!! We stood that long waiting for a political candidate once. My back hurt for two days (and I don't have back problems either). But to add to that the crowd, WOW! You were very brave!!!


I took my 5 and 11 yos to the American Idol Live Concert last night. My 5 yo was up dancing and doing air guitar (she LOVES James!) and all. Then, right after intermission, she climbed in my lap and fell asleep!!! And, stayed asleep the rest of the show! How could she sleep through that? I was SO thankful for my seat!!! But, I then had to carry her back to the car. My arms still hurt today!!!

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Wow, I would NOT have been happy to learn that there were no seats. I'm sure you paid good money to be there! Not cool that you paid good money and didn't even get to sit down.


On another note, Taylor Swift is coming here in November and I *really* wish I could have taken DD7 (concert is sold out now). But I'll have a newborn and I really don't think DH would enjoy a Taylor Swift concert LOL. Taylor is the only non-Christian, non-kid music that she's allowed to listen to.

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for the last 4 or 5 years all that my dd has wantedfor her birthday is to go to a Jonas Bros, concert each summer. The past summers they have played in Philly, Camden and Atlantic City so that is the one concert that I take her to each year. They are not touring this summer so dd picked Taylor Swift so as not to cancel our yearly tradition together for a mother-daughter outing. I am just glad that she chooses entertainers that I can actually enjoy lol.


Who knows who it will be next summer!!

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for the last 4 or 5 years all that my dd has wanted for her birthday is to go to a Jonas Bros, concert each summer. The past summers they have played in Philly, Camden and Atlantic City (saw them 2 years in AC) so that is the one concert that I take her to each year. They are not touring this summer so dd picked Taylor Swift so as not to cancel our yearly tradition together for a mother-daughter outing. I am just glad that she chooses entertainers that I can actually enjoy lol.


Who knows who it will be next summer!!

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Oh, I couldn't have lasted that long! I went to a Brad Paisley concert with my older dc a couple of years ago. We had pretty good seats, but to my amazement, everyone stands up while he is on stage...the whole time! I had to sit down a few times. I do have a bad back and my feet were killing me. I just don't get it!

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7 hours?! Wow. My back aches FOR you! LOL


A couple of years ago DD asked me if I would go in the mosh pit with her at the Family Force 5 concert at Rock the Universe. Holy. Cow. First of all, no self-respecting, middle-aged woman should ever attempt to "mosh" at a FF5 concert. Second, I did a darn good job of it. ;) Third, I paid for it dearly the next day when I could hardly walk. And finally, it's one of DD's favorite memories. :) The things we do for our kids! :lol:

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