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List of Favorite Essay/Writing Assignment Suggestions

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Would anyone be interested in creating a list of favorite essay/writing assignment topics? I would love to see what other moms/dads are using for assignment ideas. We could include grade level, book or subject topic and whether it was an essay, writing assignment or reseach paper.


I would love to start, but this seems to be one of my weak areas...:lol:


For example,



Grade __


From _____ (book title) or (history topic) or (science topic)


Essay (? pages) (with notations yes/no ) or writing assignment with ____ requirements or research paper with _______requirements


Assignment question/theme_____


I do promise to include anything we use this year as soon as I know what it is.:001_smile:

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Read the short story: The Lady or the Tiger by Frank Stockton


Writing assignment: Write the end of the story. What happens?


My daughter did this with her book club and they all loved the exercise and arguing which was behind the door--the lady or the tiger? It was a fun creative writing prompt.


Can't think of any of our more serious assignments right now...totally not in school mode for another week or so. Need a break. :001_smile:

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These are some of the papers DD wrote for 9th grade:


The Iliad

-explain use of epithets in Homeric epic

-interpret description of Achilles' shield


The Odyssey

How is Demodocus' second song thematically related to Odysseus' story?


The Aeneid

Comparison of the Odyssey and the Aeneid


Ovid's Metamorphoses

Comparison with Arabian Nights


History papers:



  • How the Persian war and it's aftermath affected Greek unity




  • From Village to Polis: A short history of Greece until the Golden Age




  • Biographical paper about Augustus



I do not demand a specific length of paper.

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Thanks Angela...I like that idea a lot! I know my dd would appreciate having some choice in what she will write. She is not a fan of writing assignments which are not interesting to her...:lol:...she is a bit emotional about her ideas sometimes. (But then, she is 14.)

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  • 11 months later...

I lean to more open ended topics where the student may get a general framework but chooses the subject independently. This is more like what will happen in college.


I really like SEB's talk A Plan for Teaching Writing which you can buy here at the Peacehill Store.


Here are some of the more open topics she suggests:



• Question the motive of historical people or make an assumption about their motivation.

• Place and weather’s effect on the outcome of some historical event.

• Causality of events on other events.

• Point out how and why a metaphor is used in a work.

• Argue a character acted ethically right or wrong.

• Why a discovery or invention was made.

• What has changed in how we think because of a theory or invention.

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