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2nd grader... What should I use for spelling? What should I use for phonics review?


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My daughter is six. She is reading well on her own. Right now, her favorite books are The Magic Tree House books, etc.


I used Abeka's Handbook for Reading to teach her phonics. But, I was never able to use the teacher's manuals and phonics workbooks, etc. To me, they were not user-friendly. I always ended up throwing them down in disgust.


I tried using Abeka for spelling last year, but that did not go well either. The book was arranged with lists of words grouped by similar sounds or spelling rules with practice and practice, yes, but in the end, my daughter had a hard time seeing the connection between the words on the list and just had to remember the way each word looked and that was not working for her. Even though she is reading all the same words in books, she is not remembering what the words look like or how to spell them.


So I am wondering now what I should use to review phonics, if anything, for 2nd grade?


And what should I use to teach her how to spell?



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My daughter is six. She is reading well on her own. Right now, her favorite books are The Magic Tree House books, etc.


I used Abeka's Handbook for Reading to teach her phonics. But, I was never able to use the teacher's manuals and phonics workbooks, etc. To me, they were not user-friendly. I always ended up throwing them down in disgust.


I tried using Abeka for spelling last year, but that did not go well either. The book was arranged with lists of words grouped by similar sounds or spelling rules with practice and practice, yes, but in the end, my daughter had a hard time seeing the connection between the words on the list and just had to remember the way each word looked and that was not working for her. Even though she is reading all the same words in books, she is not remembering what the words look like or how to spell them.


So I am wondering now what I should use to review phonics, if anything, for 2nd grade?


And what should I use to teach her how to spell?




We use Spelling Workout and MCP Plaid Phonics together, which seems to have worked well for us.


I think it's quite normal for a child to be reading well but not remembering how to spell the same words when he/she writes them. If you persist with spelling instruction they will make the connection at some point between reading and writing - it happened for DD11 when she was nearly 9yo, and it's just clicking for DD9 (who is very nearly 10yo).

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Phonics Road here!


In phonics road you learn all of the sounds of the phonograms in the beginning.


For example: A says /a/, /ay/, /ah/


When you learn all of the phonograms and all of their sounds, backwards and forwards, you begin spelling and learning spelling rules. The spelling rules are taught through song so they are easily remembered.


For example, the spelling word is "ball"


/b/ = B


/ah/ = the third sound of A or the first sound of O. If they don't know which, the teacher tells them it is the third sound of A. They write "a" with a little 3 over it.


/l/ = L




However we know a rule tune that applies to this word: "We often double L,S, & F after a single vowel, at the end of a base word of one syllable" (put to a certain tune we sing every time we come across a word that uses that rule)


So the word is then spelled BALL.


The next day they have a spelling test over all the words they learned the day before.


It's very, very, very thorough and effective.


Phonics Road 2 goes into grammar rules and lit analysis.


Phonics Road 3 does all of the above, plus latin roots, etc.


It's an all in one language arts program. Definitly look into it!

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So I am wondering now what I should use to review phonics, if anything, for 2nd grade?


And what should I use to teach her how to spell?

Another vote for MCP Plaid Phonics. Having used Abeka's handbook for reading, definitely look at the samples and see which level you think will work.


FWIW- Making the connection between applying phonics to reading and applying phonics to spelling didn't happen for my middle ds. Sequential spelling finally taught him to spell in junior high. OTOH- I totally wouldn't be concerned about a rising 2nd grader reading quite well, but not yet applying those phonetic skills to spelling. Decoding (interpreting text) and encoding (creating text) are very different skills.




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We used Spell to Write and Read (Wanda Senseri). While I did love the basis of the program, it wasn't set up enough for me. It really catapult my daughter's reading ability last year. This year, we will continue with phonics, spelling, etc., but will be using All About Spelling. This is set up much nicer than SWR and AAS has the same basis as SWR, just more teacher & student FRIENDLY, IMO. :)

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You sound like me! I taught my first daughter to read using A Beka's A Handbook for Reading and the readers, but I never bothered with the lesson plans. We just did a page from the Handbook, then a story from a reader that she read out loud and we worked through together. The next day we did another page etc. with reviews of the charts every once in a while.


What we do for spelling is All About Spelling. It serves for both spelling AND intensive phonics review. It is open and go, and scripted, easy-peasy to get done in around 15 minutes daily. I love it :).

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