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Good Morning. I have a couple of questions.

What did you do today that you are proud of?


If you haven't started school yet, what subjects are you still making decisions on?


After that, what is for lunch today? And what are you making for dinner? My ds was going to make eggplant parmesan, but that will be postponed until tomorrow so today's dinner will be burgers with sweet potato fries and baked beans. Lunch is undecided, but will include fresh squeezed lemonade right after the kids get back from the pool.

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What did you do today that you are proud of?


First that I have my girls on such a good routine that they are getting up and getting dressed without any hassles! They are back in school mode. So today, they did so well that I took them swimming before 9:00 am to start school!


Mostly I am proud of how I am getting school done w/my 2nd grader right now. This child has come so far from the beginning of last year. It is amazing to see. Today she has done copywork from the Bible, dictation, phonics, English, and math, all before lunch! That was a full day for her last year (or we wouldn't have even gotten that much done!) We still have a history reading, science experiment and piano practice after lunch. I am just so pleased.


I don't know if that is something I have done, or just her natural maturing. But it feels good either way :)


Lunch, don't ask. Kids picked out frozen meals at the grocery store. They like to get one as a treat once in awhile. My mom used to let me get one sometimes too, and I loved them. Who knows why?


Dinner, teriyaki chicken is in the crockpot. It smells great already. I will serve with rice and veggies and have plenty for leftovers. Yay!

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(Nice of you to step in with the questions, Karen. Scrappy, have a pleasant trip out and about!)


Proud: I thoroughly enjoyed my daughter and granddaughter visiting today, and I did not give one bit of unsolicited advice. :lol: I think I was kind of a fun granny today, too! We all had a blast together.


School: We're easing in. I'm fairly certain of how I want to cover things this year.


Lunch: No-Name Homemade Vegetarian Dish that had a lot of black beans. Salad. Iced tea. Strawberry cupcake with chocolate frosting.


Supper: Ha! Leftovers, if anything. Maybe a cucumber out of the garden or another cupcake.

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Proud of: I apologized to my son after I had been quite rudely childish. (I'm not proud of what I said first in order to have to apologize.)


School - Hopefully ds will finish science this week. I'm starting to interview potential tutors for his math next year.


Lunch - something from the fridge and I'm not sure if it will be a salad with protein or not. I'm going to get up from here to go rummage in a minute.


Dinner - no idea but I guess I'd better get one at some point or another.

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Proud of: hmm, getting up before 7am! Yesterday, dd and I really slept in and it through our whole day off!


DS has a friend over today, to get in one last hurrah before public school starts, as his friend is a ps-er. SO, I had to make a run to the store this morning for lunch stuff. Wound up buying Hebrew National hot dogs, Tyson Any'tizers (the sweet & sour chicken) and Tyson honey-battered chicken nuggets, plus apple sauce, blueberries, strawberries, and mandarin oranges in 100% juice. Oh, and a frozen pizza. Wanted to keep my options open!


Yes, yes, I know. All you fresh-food-only folks are cringing as you read this. I'm sorry; sometimes, the processed food is easiest to deal with. Be glad I don't eat it at every meal! :D


Dinner? Probably noodles with browned ground turkey and pasta sauce. With a side of salad.


As for school, it's on. Mostly. Slow going, getting back into the routine. We'll get there! :)

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I've come back to answer my own questions. :)

I found the leftover pot roast for my lunch, and the kids went to the local deli for sandwiches. They were starving after swimming. Dinner of burgers and sweet potato fries is still on, but we're now having some summer squash and onions with it. yum.


Last night I finally mentally committed to the last few decisions I needed to make for first grade which were math and a few miscellaneous things. We won't start school full-time until the first week September. The weather here this time of year is just too good for school.


My manager is on vacation so this morning I led his big weekly meeting with his peers. It went very well. At the same time, my kids made breakfast and got ready for swimming all on their own, quietly which also made me proud.

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Today for lunch was pb& J on Italian white bread. The bread was the kids treat today, we only get white bread 1-2X/year. This morning we delivered papers(I am a relief carrier), and then went grocery shopping, and stopped by work to talk to my boss. Everything is set for me to be back at work Aug 31st. For dinner tonight is hot dogs and salad with cupcakes the little made yesterday.


It is going on 3pm and we are just about to start school for the day. Late start but after a day out and the kids having no one to play with around here it is worth it. Once done we are going to watch source code. Busy day but very productive.

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