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Talked to a psychologist today

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I am concerned that if after we talk for a few sessions, and she decides medication should be part of my treatment (which I suspect will be the case), do I have to go through all this again with someone qualified to prescribe stuff to me?


Apparently psychologists in Hawaii are trying to get approval to prescribe medicine. http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2011/03/07/prl20307.htm It sounds like there are some guidelines for how they would do it but I'm not sure if it is approved or not at this time.

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I am concerned that if after we talk for a few sessions, and she decides medication should be part of my treatment (which I suspect will be the case), do I have to go through all this again with someone qualified to prescribe stuff to me?



It will depend, but IME the psychiatrist will rely heavily on the recommendations of your psychologist and will collaborate with them on a dx and rx. You may need to answer some questions from the psychiatrist, but it shouldn't be like 'doing it all over again.' If you feel uncomfortable about it at any point, it is perfectly fine to tell the docs and counselors that. They should understand and should do their best to maintain a comfortable manner of working with you.


Best wishes to you.

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I am concerned that if after we talk for a few sessions, and she decides medication should be part of my treatment (which I suspect will be the case), do I have to go through all this again with someone qualified to prescribe stuff to me?


Here a psychologist sends a report to your regular doctor and then your dr. can prescribe the meds.

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I am concerned that if after we talk for a few sessions, and she decides medication should be part of my treatment (which I suspect will be the case), do I have to go through all this again with someone qualified to prescribe stuff to me?


Usually (IME) the psychiatrist just asks a very basic history & goes off what is already known. If the psychologist says you're ADD & need meds, the psychiatrist goes off of that, as long as no alarm bells go off when discussing it with you. Generally speaking.

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I am concerned that if after we talk for a few sessions, and she decides medication should be part of my treatment (which I suspect will be the case), do I have to go through all this again with someone qualified to prescribe stuff to me?


No - if you have a family doc, the psychologist will send him/her the info and they will work with you to get the right meds. You really won't have to discuss anything with them. I know that it took some trial and error for me. Side effects are different for everyone.

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A thought to add - try and see a psychiatrist for your meds if you find you will need them. They have a lot of experience with these particular medications that General Practitioners usually don't and you will probably have a better experience with them. I worked with a nurse practitioner who specialized in anti-depressants, etc. She saw me every week or two and worked to tweek the meds until I got the most out of them and also helped me wheen off of them when I didn't need them anymore. My GP just handed me the pills and said there you go. It wasn't a good experience. The nurse practitioner also worked closely with my councilor through my whole treatment.

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