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School Starts August 8th/My School Room

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I'm pretty pleased with our school room this year, so I just had to share.


Background: Our school room is our dining room, and in the past I've tried in vain to try to maintain it to something that can be converted back into a dining room with no signs of "school" for holidays & guests. I have a large bookshelf in my office across the foyer to the dining room, and I've tried to store our materials in there, but ultimately it has just resulted in a big mess.


This year (my 3rd year of homeschooling) and I've completely given up on the idea of maintaining our school room as a dining room. I added maps, posters, and cursive reference cards. The posters I will change depending on our studies. Displayed are ancient civilization posters as we begin with a study of world history this year. I've actually found that when we DO dine with adults in the dining room, the posters and maps become fun conversation pieces.



This end table is a new purchase that I found online that matches our furniture perfectly, and makes a nice little storage unit for library books and extra paper.



Many people ask me what curriculum we use. We don't use any one particular curriculum, so it's a difficult question to answer (as I'm sure many of you understand.) Here are some of the main items we will be using this year (along with LOTS of library books.) Missing is "Writing With Ease" which I expect to receive tomorrow.



Leave it to the Sudanese to form a new country RIGHT after I purchase a world map and plaster it on my wall! To my knowledge, there hadn't been a change in about 10 years prior to this! Doh! Border approximated with a dry-erase pen.



The hutch on the back wall. Again, I gave up on the whole "dining room" idea. I cleaned off all my cute formal knick knacks and use the main area for daily-use books and laptop recharging. The school box on the table was hand-made for the kids by my husband. The Mikasa dishes have not been displaced from the display are of the hutch - at least not yet!


Edited by zenjenn
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We are HEAVY library users (I'm talking 20+ books checked out per week), so we don't have as many books as a lot of homes do in their school room - and those we do are books that are on shelves in other rooms and not specifically "school books". I try really hard to keep the books in the school room limited to daily-use spines, reference books (like our spelling dictionary), and whatever piece of literature is in current use.


I've also come to the conclusion that better to shell out extra for the workbook rather than try to save a few bucks by printing materials - when possible. Just to be able to better contain the paper clutter.


The things I do print I try to archive into folders/boxes as soon as it is not in active use anymore.


That said, there will undoubtedly be SOME more clutter as the years go on, versus what is seen in these photos. I did after all just archive a whole banker box filled with their papers from last year. However, my goal is to minimize it! :D

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