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I'm not pregnant, I'm fat

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I'm sorry you are getting this reaction. When we lived in China, people used to call me fat. I was about 62kg at 5'4". I was fat by Chinese standards, but more important is that Chinese people are very direct in their descriptions of each other - most people go by nicknames, and they often refer to physical appearance (good or bad, in our terms). Are people where you live very direct?



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Oh my gosh, this brings back a horrible memory for me. In my early 20s, I got on the elevator on my way to the office with a lady from the adjoining office. Half the women in the adjoining office were pregnant, and this lady was wearing one of those empire tops. Trying to be friendly, I made some congratulatory comment about her pregnancy and she exclaimed that she was not pregnant. I must have turned purple and then tried to explain that I had only thought she was because she was wearing a maternity shirt. Well, you can imagine how that comment went over. I was not her favorite person.


I have never again in my life said anything to anyone about being pregnant. I actually felt bad a couple of years ago when I saw a lady from our field trip group, who was clearly 9 months pregnant, and I didn't congratulate her out of the .0000000001% chance that I might be mistaken.



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5' 4" and 120 lbs. here and I was recently asked if I was pregnant...I was wearing one of those empire shirts (and it was even kind of fitted!). Don't feel bad! It must be the top! I decided to give all of mine away. My bean-pole little sister can pull it off better than I can. Me? I'm walking around with little ones and pushing a stroller in a high-waisted shirt--looking all "family-ish"--and I guess people have to wonder.

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I worked at a grocery store when I was in college and asked a customer when she was due. She snarled at me and shouted "my baby is 6 weeks old". I felt awful. Since then my policy is that I don't ask about pregnancy unless the baby is crowning at that very moment.



Well, I really am fat and all my weight is in my tummy. I had to have an x-ray awhile ago and at first the x-ray technician refused to take the x-ray. He kept asking me if I was pregnant and refused to believe my "no" answer. I finally told him exactly what you said "I'm not pregnant, I'm fat." It really ticked me off that he wouldn't believe me. Don't you think I would want him to know?

Maybe he didn't want to get sued in case you are the one nutter who will have an x-ray while pregnant...


Thank you. I am fat and go shopping in plus size stores. I NEVER understnad why they're filled with empire waist shirts either for the same reason. Give me a smart button down blouse ANY day.


I do have some empire waist shirts now but I just bought them yesterday in a maternity store because, of course, I'm pregnant.

Congratulations! As for the top I really thought it would disguised my belly. :lol:


About 5 years ago, at a family party, my dh assumed my cousin's (very thin, very petite -- probably about a size 0 or 2) wife was pregnant. It was a maternity-styled blouse that was very trendy at the time. (My cousin's wife dresses very fashionably/trendy.) Poor dh: *I* was pregnant at the time, so he felt completely confident that he recognized maternity clothes. Thankfully, he congratulated my *cousin* and not my cousin's wife. Cousin was able to let dh know there was no pregnancy *gently* which saved dh embarrassment. Of *course* cousin's wife would have been mortified to have been assumed pregnant, even though she didn't look it AT ALL later that day in her bikini. :lol:

Don't think I can wear a biniki at a mall. I may even get move pregnant comments if I do :tongue_smilie:


" We do big ladies shoes for you in here":rofl: .....which wouldn't bother me- except I am a ladies 7!

So, not only was my body pregnant looking- I also had big feet apparently!

Luckily, I have a sense of humour- otherwise I may have harmed someone years ago!

I'm a 37 US size shoe (UK 5). Probably the only part of me that didn't get bigger during pregnancy!


YOu must be very short and fine boned, because I am 5'2" and just under 60kgs and I don't think I am fat at all- I am a healthy weight and not at the top end of my healthy weight range. In my late teens and twenties I was about 53kgs- I am 44 and feel ok weighing more than I did back then. I definitely don't look pregnant.

SOunds like you need to do something to feel better about yourself- some exercise, some new clothes- but also, go easy on yourself.

Will do. ;) And, yes, I am short and have slim arms and shoulders and neck.


Are people where you live very direct?



The locals are very reserved. But the shop attendants are mostly from the Philippines and they are very direct.


I went into a shop a few months ago to buy underwear. The Filipino attendant came over and offered help. When I asked her to see medium sized underwear she took one look at me and said "Well, you are really big. Let's try XXL instead". I nearly died!

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The locals are very reserved. But the shop attendants are mostly from the Philippines and they are very direct.


I went into a shop a few months ago to buy underwear. The Filipino attendant came over and offered help. When I asked her to see medium sized underwear she took one look at me and said "Well, you are really big. Let's try XXL instead". I nearly died!


My dh is Filipino and direct is an understatement. I greeted his aunt at one family party and she said "You're fat." I thought, but didn't say "And you're rude." I can't remember what I stammered out instead.

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