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Caesar's English


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DS10 used the first level last year and is about to start the second level. I was really impressed with it last year. I noticed that he used a lot of the words from it in his own (creative) writing throughout the year. I think he retained most of it. He took a cumulative end of year test and got something like 97 out of 100 questions right (with a minimal amount of studying beforehand).

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Used it, loved it, very high retention.


I think it's important to go in understanding that it's not meant to be a workbook-style book that the student does on their own. It's meant to have a high level of discussion and interaction, so it's more teacher-intensive (but with a very high payback, imo).

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We used CEI this past year with very high retention. DD and I both loved it and she loves coming across the words in her readings. She also uses them in everyday conversation, which can get her strange looks from her friends. We're both looking forward to using CEII this year. I only hope the next series is as interesting and effective.

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I think I'm the only person on these boards who has ever disliked Caesar's English. :tongue_smilie:


I just didn't like reading it out loud. There are constant references to such-and-such book by so-and-so. I liked seeing where the vocabulary words came from, but there just too many references for each word and it was tedious and clunky to read out loud. Dd also tired of it quickly.


Maybe we would have liked it better if we had read less in one sitting, but read it every day. I was trying to do CE1 twice a week, and the readings were just too long with too much information stuffed in.

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Thank you! Did any of you go on to use Word Within the Word? Were many of the same roots from Caesar's English found on WWTW?


Yes. We did CEI and CEII and last year got through about List 10 of WWtW. The retention is outstanding (and yes, many of the CE words reappear in WWtW)

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