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The Cabana is back!

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Hello and welcome to the Teachers' Cabana! Today, because it's still too dang hot, we're going to lounge by the beach (you pick whether it's the lake or the ocean), drink our fruity drinks, eat all the junk food we want, and not gain a pound! :lol:


What's for lunch? We had a combo of various fast food.


Back to school yet? This week! And it's slow going! No more 6 week breaks for us; it's just too hard to 'get back in the groove'.


What's challenging you today? Me: I'm beginning to think my son may not just be very bright but possibly gifted. And I don't say that to be prideful. I'm actually wondering what to do and wondering if I'm even prepared for the challenges that come with a gifted student as he gets older! Oi!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Scrap! Where have you been?


I'll pick somewhere that has NO other people. I don't care where. . . as long as there are no kids or no adults there. Not even a cabana boy;)


Going back to school? Honey,we still haven't finished last year's school yet. Sigh.


Lunch - salad with protein (mixed greens, black beans, jicama, chicken, zucchini)


Challenging: a bunch of little stuff. Ds has a fever - fortunately it came down from the high of 105 that he had yesterday.:svengo: Other than that my biggest challenge is my own rotten attitude right now (hence the wish for somewhere to go with no people around).

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Well, I would enjoy a nice strawberry lemonade while sitting under an umbrella at the beach. I have not done much school over the summer, but I have been making the kids read, read, read.


Sorry it is slow going. I have heard of many families here who start with just a subject or two and slowly ease their way back into the groove. I am hoping to do that at the end of August.

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Challenging: a bunch of little stuff. Ds has a fever - fortunately it came down from the high of 105 that he had yesterday.:svengo: Other than that my biggest challenge is my own rotten attitude right now (hence the wish for somewhere to go with no people around).


Isn't that a bit high for someone his age? I would be :svengo: as well.

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Hello and welcome to the Teachers' Cabana! Today, because it's still too dang hot, we're going to lounge by the beach (you pick whether it's the lake or the ocean), drink our fruity drinks, eat all the junk food we want, and not gain a pound! :lol:


What's for lunch? We had a combo of various fast food.


Back to school yet? This week! And it's slow going! No more 6 week breaks for us; it's just too hard to 'get back in the groove'.


What's challenging you today? Me: I'm beginning to think my son may not just be very bright but possibly gifted. And I don't say that to be prideful. I'm actually wondering what to do and wondering if I'm even prepared for the challenges that come with a gifted student as he gets older! Oi!


Talk to me! :bigear:


Hi. Nice of you to get the party started.


Had a nice run this morning. In fact, the best run yet - about 80% of week four of Couch 2 5k. Felt good. Tuna sandwich for lunch, with the possibility of cookie baking later on.


We've got one more full week before we start back to school. I have TOG laid out all over the dining room table, figuring out what we're doing. Emphasis on not filling the "to do list" too full.


I hear you on the giftedness issue. We got test scores back several years ago that rocked my world. It wasn't a pride moment. It was an ah ha moment, matched by a strong sense of "how do I keep from screwing this up?"

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Hi! I'm still reliving our recent trip to southern California. I can close my eyes and imagine I'm on the beach, hearing the ocean and the sea lions. Sigh.


Lunch? I guess I'd better figure that out. My son and I have a dress rehearsal tonight (we're in a community theatre production of The Sound of Music). Lunch will probably be sandwiches or ramen.


We've had a very lazy, wonderful summer around here. My son has Asperger's/OCD/ADHD, and it seems we've finally gotten his medication adjusted right, so we've enjoyed some stress-free weeks for a change. :001_smile:


We were planning to work on our hiragana over the summer, and do more art, but we've been neglecting it. Instead, we've been swimming, relaxing, hanging out with friends, going to movies, etc.


I guess after the play, it's time to clean out the schoolroom and brace ourselves for high school.



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Yeah. As soon as I saw it was that high, I called dh (an RN). He told me to use ice on him and if the fever hadn't lowered by the time he got home, then we'd have to take him in. Fortunately it came down.


I had a fever that high once, [mastitis] and started making out my will. [mentally and a little out loud to dh] I just knew I was dying. Glad it came down.

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Well since our high for the week is 75 and the beach is cloudy and windy, I guess I'll be enjoying a nice hot cup of coffee on my back porch :D


lunch - leftovers and broccoli from the garden.


school - we're still waiting for summer break....

seriously, I've been having the kids keep up on the basics for 2-3 days/wk., with a week off here and there for trips, relaxing, etc.


challenges - no money, no car, nowhere to go...:tongue_smilie:

blessings - I'm not spending money and I have a nice house to live in and a beautiful family to live with:001_smile:

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Where have you been? I've missed our lunchtime outings.


Um, what were the questions? I guess my challenge today is short attention span. I went to bed early last night which was wonderful for me, but this morning I found that hubby had let the kids stay up until midnight. At least I had a good night's sleep.


I'll take my beach break by the beach somewhere with warm water, gentle waves, and white sand.


Lunch today was leftover potato pancakes. I think the kids made high-protein noodles and broth with hot chocolate almond milk - it is not quite 80 today and the girls made their own water slide outside. They were a bit cold when they came in.


School? never. We aren't starting ever. :D

I am so not ready yet.

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