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Has anyone used Enchanted Learning?


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Was it worth the $20/year for you?


I'm mainly looking for very beginner readers for dd5, but I don't want to spend $15/set of Bob books. Ds7 is reading The Primer by Harriette Taylor Treadwell, and those are too advanced for dd5. I'm thinking that the printable books might be just what she needs--I'm just not sure about paying for a membership. If I spend money, I prefer to get something concrete in return.:glare:

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I would say yes, it is worth $20 per year but I don't know if it is for your need. I used it to find activity pages to go with random topics that came up for us to study, like dolphin pages to go with Island of the Blue Dolphins and map question pages to go with continents, oceans, etc. They do have a ton of stuff. When I taught ps Kindergarten we used printable books from the site from time to time that used key "sight" words & those were fun as "extras" but I don't know how/if you could rely on those as a reading "program".


We used it last year & we'll use it again this year but like I said, for random stuff.

Edited by rocketgirl
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I used it more than $20 worth. Most of the things could be found on line for free, but I appreciated being able to go one place and quickly find what I needed. I loved the science pages as well as the foreign language pages.


I'm not sure how many graded readers the site has though.

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It was great for my DD at ages 3-4 or so, because she could find content she liked and print out activities. After about a year, though, she'd done everything she was interested in, so I didn't bother renewing. Reading A-Z worked similarly-it was great until she'd read all the books that interested her.


I've currently got Teacher File Box. We'll see if it makes it more than a year :)

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