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Just back from Indiana Jones! (no spoilers)

How did you like "Crystal Skull"? (please respond only if you've seen the movie)  

  1. 1. How did you like "Crystal Skull"? (please respond only if you've seen the movie)

    • Five stars: Fantastic! Amazing! I'll see it again and again!
    • Four stars: Very good. Really liked it. Good addition to the series!
    • Three stars: Good. A fun movie and I'm glad I saw it, but probably wouldn't go again.
    • Two stars: Fair. A rental.
    • One star: Save your money. It was that bad.

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If you've seen it already, go ahead and answer the poll!


My review: It was good, enjoyable. But the script really jumped the shark, as far as I was concerned--one word: monkeys. You could tell that Sean Connery had been removed from the story. Some fun action scenes, but it was no Raiders, if you know what I mean. Lots of goodies for fans--old lines, references, etc.


Parental review: No sex, action violence, the worst part was when someone was eaten by ants. (My boys love that sort of thing. I thought it was gross.) You may have to discuss nuclear weapons after the movie, if your kids have not been exposed to that issue.


Three stars from me.

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Well.. he pretty much plays a 63 year old in the script--it's set in the 1950's. He actually looks pretty darn good!


As an aside, Harrison Ford is my one "brush" with fame. I walked by him in a local hosptal few years ago--he was visiting, not staying there--he does live here in the valley. It took me a minute--that guy with the ponytail and earing... he looks familiar... it's... wait a second... Harrison Ford! By the time I recognized him, he was past me and out the door.

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We (Tony and I) went to the midnight show last night. I'd give it 4 stars. :) There are "corny" spots but you have to remember, these movies are made for the flavor of the generation they are depicted as being in. The 50s were a time of corny ... well, you'll see. :) Indiana Jones movies are never meant to be serious too much. They are meant to be 1930s and 50s B movies. At least you can tell Spielberg helped Lucas not go nuts on the computer generated like he did in Star Wars, but it's there.


We really enjoyed it. (unlike much of Star Wars 1,2 and 3 ;) )

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DH and I went tonight. It was enjoyable (once we got past the sleazy previews). It was great to actually go to a theatre to see a movie amidst all the other trash. The last time we went to the theatre was Charlotte's Web. :lol:


It was enjoyable, but I have no desire to see it again. Well, I may go with our oldest son who would enjoy it too.

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For those who have seen it - would you take boys ages 6 and 8 to it? My husband wants the whole family to go, and insists he's heard it's not nearly as grim as Raiders (is that the one with the face-melting part?), but I'm hesitant. I'm not super-protective, but I don't want to traumatize them, either!

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For those who have seen it - would you take boys ages 6 and 8 to it? My husband wants the whole family to go, and insists he's heard it's not nearly as grim as Raiders (is that the one with the face-melting part?), but I'm hesitant. I'm not super-protective, but I don't want to traumatize them, either!



No, my boys are 6 and 8, and they will not be seeing it until the are quite a bit older. Too much violence in my opinion and a few "what the he___s" and such that I really don't want them to hear. I think there are parts that could be quite scary for young ones too. I'm sure, though, that you will get varying opinions on this question, though.

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Keep the reviews coming! We are planning to see it as a family this weekend. Ds, 8, is most excited, so I hope it will be appropriate for him. He has seen all the other 'Raiders' and loved them- the more action the better for him! He is really interested in all this crystal skull stuff, too, and watched the Sci-Fi channel special on it this past weekend.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

ds saw it yesterday. I think he would give it a 3. He enjoyed it, the over the top unbelievability made him laugh. He said it was better than the Temple of Doom but not as good as the Last Crusade.

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