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Overseas teaching jobs?

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Does anyone have contact information on teaching jobs overseas?


My DD has a friend from HS ( which would make her 29 or 30ish now) who probably has a master's Degree in education and has been unable to get a job. ( Michigan unemployment is still very high) She is asking on FB for contact information for overseas jobs.


Please PM me with contact information if you have any to pass along.



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I mean this in the nicest way, but, were I in a position to pass on info, I would be more comfortable talking to her and understanding her education. She hould contAct some organizations, I'd imagine.


She says she has contacted about 12 organizations and all of them are scams. So she is putting it out there on FB. I understand your concerns, and personally I feel the same way. However, I have been burdened for quite some time about trying to help this couple ( she is married) and since I know there are some here who teach or have taught overseas, I thought I would try.

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My niece is currently working for Disney teaching in Shanghai. She doesn't make much, but they also give her a housing allowance. She really enjoys it.


I don't have the information, but I'm sure a quick Google search would take care of it. She should probably look into it pretty quickly because, if I remember correctly, their contracts run September - September.

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The biggest job search engine for teaching overseas is TIE...you will have to subscribe which requires a fee of $39 but it is the biggest: http://www.tieonline.com/


If you are interested in working in a christian school you can look here (it is free): http://missionteach.com/


Here is a list of international schools on the U.S. government website. You can search by continent and get direct links to the schools themselves: http://www.state.gov/m/a/os/c1684.htm


You can also look into Department of Defense schools here:



Best of luck!

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The biggest job search engine for teaching overseas is TIE...you will have to subscribe which requires a fee of $39 but it is the biggest: http://www.tieonline.com/


If you are interested in working in a christian school you can look here (it is free): http://missionteach.com/


Here is a list of international schools on the U.S. government website. You can search by continent and get direct links to the schools themselves: http://www.state.gov/m/a/os/c1684.htm


You can also look into Department of Defense schools here:



Best of luck!


Of course, I was about to post that Heather in NC is your best resource!

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I too think she should check out religious schools if she is not opposed to teaching in such environments.


What is her master's in? English? Does she have certification to teach English as a second language? Specialities in adult literacy? I have a friend teaching ESL at a woman's/girl's school in Egypt. I doubt she would want me to forward her contact info to a stranger, but just so you know that ESL is wanted in several areas of the world. It is one avenue for an American to get a work visa for Thailand.



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