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Odd phenomenon of birthing alone and abandoning child

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This is sort of weird, IMO. We had a woman recently birth a baby in the bathroom of an ER and baby was found in trash. She went in complaining of abdominal pain.


Yesterday, a local woman called 911 for abdominal pain and bleeding and when the ER staff thought it looked like she'd given birth, police went to her apartment and found a dead baby she had not mentioned.


Remember the girl who gave birth to a baby at the prom and left it in the bathroom?


Am I alone in thinking these are probably not depraved murderesses, but someone running on the rims who finally goes off the road with the stress/hormones of pregnancy? Do you think they should go to jail?


How odd human existence is. I'm trying to imagine not having a clue something was going on, either the woman herself or those around her, and making SOME sort of plan.

Edited by kalanamak
Ugh, forgot my questions!
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I think maybe they are in denial the entire pregnancy and that continues on after the birth.


Now, if we could induce this denial at the beginning of labor ...., sort of a epidural Coueism: Every day, in every way, I'm not in labor and never will be.

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I know a woman with 4 children who lost her DH in a tragic accident. He died in April. The following Labor Day weekend, she gave birth to their 5th child. No one knew she was pregnant for the majority of her pregnancy. She told her Mom a week before she delivered. Her Dad didn't know she was pregnant until she went into labor.


I truly believe, with the shock & grief from the accident, that she was in denial for the majority of her pregnancy. She blamed the accident on herself (they fought, he left, car flipped).


Fortunately, even with no prenatal care, her DS was born healthy.


I do think that it's a denial thing or mental illness that comes into play.

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I don't know how to multi-quote, but I agree with both Parrothead and Kristine. I think these women are in serious denial about their pregnancies, and I think the denial is in part due to an attitude we as a society have taken about children in general.


I still think they need to go to jail, though.

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I believe this is a consequence of legal abortion, that the life of a baby only has meaning based on the mother's choice. Say what one will about illegal abortions; my point is that this is a result of teaching our children this is okay.

Infanticide and abandonment of newborns has been practiced for MILLENIA and IMO does not have anything to do with legalized abortion.


[i am pro-life btw]

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I would argue that they are so out of touch with their bodies and their instincts that they genuinely do not know that they are pregnant. Unexpected labour can put a woman into shock. A woman in shock with no instincts to mother her baby would have no idea what to do with the child. And she especially would have no idea what to do with the child if it appeared dead, or was premature and didn't look like a baby to them.

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I think there is definitely a possibility of psychosis going on in these situations. Pregnancy hormones can be so unpredictable. Obviously they are responsible- but I can't help but wonder what was really going on in their minds. I had severe pp-depression with my first child. I had pp-psychosis with my second. There is no way to describe with words how I felt or what I thought. Thankfully, therapy, medication, and constant companionship helped me' through it. My husband wanted many children- but I knew my state of mind would revert to those horrible thoughts. I just can't help but think these women are not "all there." My heart breaks for their families.

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I know a woman with 4 children who lost her DH in a tragic accident. He died in April. The following Labor Day weekend, she gave birth to their 5th child. No one knew she was pregnant for the majority of her pregnancy. She told her Mom a week before she delivered. Her Dad didn't know she was pregnant until she went into labor.


I truly believe, with the shock & grief from the accident, that she was in denial for the majority of her pregnancy. She blamed the accident on herself (they fought, he left, car flipped).


Fortunately, even with no prenatal care, her DS was born healthy.


I do think that it's a denial thing or mental illness that comes into play.


If he died in April, do you mean that she gave birth in that same year, on Labor Day, or the following? I was just doing some quick math and didnt think the time frame matched up...but it seemed too soon for that same year.

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I think they are in shock. I think a lot of young people dont believe consequences happen to them. But mostly, shock. Even after my wonderful home birth, I was in a bit of shock. I was happy and stimulated the baby and what not, but then just wanted to be done. I birthed the placenta and wanted to be in my favorite chair, and honestly I asked someone else to hold the baby for a bit as I needed time to pull myself together after a much faster than expected labor and delivery. After I drank some juice and got my blood sugar back up I felt much more human, and wanted to hold my baby. I know asking my best friend to hold the baby while I rest a bit isn't the same as dumping the baby, but I was shocked I didn't want to cuddle my daughter right away. If I could feel like that with tons of support and love, I can only imagine what someone not expecting to go into labor would feel like.

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I don't know how to multi-quote, but I agree with both Parrothead and Kristine. I think these women are in serious denial about their pregnancies, and I think the denial is in part due to an attitude we as a society have taken about children in general.


I still think they need to go to jail, though.



I've only experienced sever PPD once, and that was enough. I remember feeling as thought all I needed to take was one step to the left and full on psychosis would be my world. I can't imagine living life depressed. It's nothing to trifle with.


The brain is a powerful thing.

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