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How long does R&S English take?? LA recommendations, please??


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It's time to buy something grammar for my 8yo. He's at the 2nd/3rd grade level. I like the look of R&S English, but I'm not sure I can pull it off - I'm teaching 2nd, 1st, and K this year, and have a lively 3yo. We just finished the last bit of CLE LA that I have on the shelf, and I need to pick something else. I like the fairly independent nature of CLE, but we're replacing the spelling, writing and handwriting sections, so I was thinking of getting something that isn't all-in-one.


How long does R&S take each day?

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I just go through the student description page with each child to make sure they understand (usually 5 min or so) and then they independently work on the writing portion. If there are a lot of sentences I only assign evens or odds. It usually takes my kids no more than 10-15 min. That's levels 3 and 4. We're doing 5 for the first time this year so I'm not sure about that, but I'm sure it won't take overly long. R&S is the one grammar we've been able to stay with. I've tried many! ;)

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R&S English is specifically written for dc to work independently. Go voer the previous lesson/seatwork and make corrections if necessary. Look over the next lesson, have dc read, do the oral stuff together, assign the seatwork. It really shouldn't take you that much time.

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10 min most days. For us, in grade 3 last year I did have to spend longer at the end of the year on the writing assignments. But most of the time, it is pretty independent. Quick review that is written into the T.M. Then read the new lesson together and work through the oral problems, then send her on her own to work through the paper work. I only had her do the odds or evens most of the time.

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We do most of it orally, then I give them one of the assignment to do on their own. For R&S 2 with dd7 it takes 5-10min. For R&S 3 with dd9 (we are almost done and will be moving onto 4) it takes 10-15 min. We LOVE R&S. I highly recommend it.



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