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Look! A list of non-Catholic Churches!

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There are many "flavors" of Catholics - my in-laws are staunch Dominicans, who do not care for the Jesuits.


Where are the Pastafarians? (sp?)




I should have put them in there just for grins. Even though they don't go with the 33,000 Protestant denominations theme...


Did you see this?




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Yep. Here is a good page that explains it.




Most Americans, unless they, their parents, or their grandparents emigrated from an area where an Eastern rite was prevalent, would never be attending mass at a very traditional, non-Roman (read: Russian, Greek, Armenian, Syrian, etc.) Orthodox parish (though some do, as they are very beautiful, traditional services) simply because there is often a language barrier.


As Milovany can tell you, though, things have changed in recent years (recent - ha ha - you have to put that into Catholic context), and more Americans are "discovering" the Eastern Orthodox rites (like I said - more than one). Personally, I feel that it is partially because one can actually find a service in English! Where I used to live, the only option was Greek...


But that is a digression, because the EO churches aren't under the Pope - they have their own titular heads.


Think of it like this. Both the Orthodox and the Roman Churches started with Peter. They walked along hand in hand. At some point between the 5th and the 11th century, they looked at each other and let go of one another's hands - but they both kept walking on the same road.


Scholars have argued for hundreds of years about why they let go of one another (and who let go first). Scholars have also argued about who is walking on the right portion of the road.


But it's the same road. It's Peter's road. And, unlike many others, the Orthodox and the Romans are still pretty much the only ones walking on it.


And there is a nice graphic.


From the link and just for the record:

Those that have returned to communion with the Holy See are represented among the Eastern Churches and Rites of the Catholic Church.


Eastern Rite Catholics are not Eastern Orthodox. They are CATHOLICS. Equal to Catholics of the Roman Rite, but never given their due. :tongue_smilie: Rodney Dangerfield should be their patron saint. ;)

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From the link and just for the record:

Those that have returned to communion with the Holy See are represented among the Eastern Churches and Rites of the Catholic Church.


Eastern Rite Catholics are not Eastern Orthodox. They are CATHOLICS. Equal to Catholics of the Roman Rite, but never given their due. :tongue_smilie: Rodney Dangerfield should be their patron saint. ;)


I stand corrected.


I was trying to unravel information from a few different sources and obviously got myself tangled up.


Thank you for the proper definition.




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