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New Show on Lifetime: Dance Moms

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I just watched the premiere of this show and all I can say is thank goodness our studio isn't run that way. That studio owner is crazy. I'm all for hard work, but the way she speaks to the kids and parents is demeaning. And, one of the moms said she pays $16,000 a year for her daughter to dance there. Our studio is less focused on winning at all costs, and more focused on the journey of learning to dance.


Anyone else see it?

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Didn't see it, but I also don't have cable. But I have a giant negative opinion having seen some of this through a friend. I was appalled at the over-the-top sexuality of it all. I think competitive dance for little and teen girls is pretty much on the same level as toddler pagents. The make up, costuming and moves seem like the other side of that coin, and worse, because the girls are older and totally understand what is happening. I was afraid for the little girls watching the older girls do what looked liked Vegas strip moves. What you could spend --$$/energy-- on competitive dance and pagents, could be used for something good-- violin, language lessons or grammar/math tutors. Maybe a trip.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Didn't see it. But I have a giant negative opnion from having seen some of these shows. I think competitive dance is pretty much on the same level as toddler pagents. The make up, costuming, and moves seem like the other side of that coin, and worse. What you could spend on this and pagents, the energy you could use for something good-- you could spend on violin or language lessons. Evern Rosetta Stone is better than that.


Honestly, from having experience with competitive dance, I think some of the show must be staged. There were previews to the next show, and one mom was freaking out about her daughter's costume and choreography. There's no way the mom couldn't have seen the costume or choreography before the performance. So, I don't believe some of it.


And, my kids both play the violin. It doesn't have to be either/or. My DD does wear stage makeup, but from the audience you can't even tell the girls are wearing makeup. Without it, you look dead under the lights. Our studio very rarely uses midriff-baring costumes (never on little girls) and never uses provocative choreography. We are ultra-conservative and that wouldn't fly. Thus why I'm eternally grateful our studio is nothing like the one in the show.


I've actually spent time comparing competitive dance to pageants, because the stereotype you presented was a concern to me. I wanted DD to have the Co. dance classes (because my DD needs the challenge), and the only way to do that is to compete. Dance is skill-building. Technique, form, dedication, work ethic, attitude are all addressed and improved through dance. What skills are built through pageants? There are some studios at the competitions I've been to that I would NEVER allow my DD to dance with. But don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

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I don't know your studio, and I trust you are loving up your girls and keeping them safe. I am sure all studios have their particular 'thang'. I don't know if there are competitive dance competitions without the sexuality, but I hope there are/assume there are. You have a different experience and I'm glad that it's not all what I saw!


Hey. :) I've been to Vegas and will go again. I sorta-kinda like/find Vegas interesting. I just don't like to see 8 & 12 and other underage children doing the moves, kwim?


To be upfront: I am a dance mom. It's classical ballet and no competitions, but I have my own particular concerns about dance/ballet. Not only can ballet instuctors also do wrong things technically/prematurely & treat children & parents poorly, there are a host of other issues as well. I am keeping a very close eye, believe you me.

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Ironically, I just saw this show Wednesday evening while at a hotel, as my daughter has been attending a ballet intensive for several weeks. We don't have television at home so I am ashamed to admit that I watched the whole show (an hour I think). I should have spent the hour on TWTM forums!

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Honestly, from having experience with competitive dance, I think some of the show must be staged. There were previews to the next show, and one mom was freaking out about her daughter's costume and choreography. There's no way the mom couldn't have seen the costume or choreography before the performance. So, I don't believe some of it.


And, my kids both play the violin. It doesn't have to be either/or. My DD does wear stage makeup, but from the audience you can't even tell the girls are wearing makeup. Without it, you look dead under the lights. Our studio very rarely uses midriff-baring costumes (never on little girls) and never uses provocative choreography. We are ultra-conservative and that wouldn't fly. Thus why I'm eternally grateful our studio is nothing like the one in the show.


I've actually spent time comparing competitive dance to pageants, because the stereotype you presented was a concern to me. I wanted DD to have the Co. dance classes (because my DD needs the challenge), and the only way to do that is to compete. Dance is skill-building. Technique, form, dedication, work ethic, attitude are all addressed and improved through dance. What skills are built through pageants? There are some studios at the competitions I've been to that I would NEVER allow my DD to dance with. But don't throw out the baby with the bath water.


This dress and provocative dance is the normal in my area. I chose a school for dd that was normal ballet and dance. One studio from my house is 600 a month for dance and they do win competitions but the owners don't act like that woman. From reading other forums, this is the norm for this woman and her studio. Every week the outfit changes and new routines. She also finds small competitions so they can win more and look better.

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I just signed my little girl up for our studio's competition team for next year when she' 5. She loves to dance, loves to be on stage and is very competitive. I've seen dance moms on other forums talking about this show and most are *very* upset about the negative spin it will put on competitive dance. They don't like that something they and their children really enjoy will be made to look so negative. Our studio NEVER treats the dancers the way the crazy woman in the show treats her dancers and the competition team members at our studio are great friends and always so happy. The costumes and makeup at our studio are appropriate for the ages of the dancers (cute, not sleazy!). There is also talk about this show being filmed at some of the competitions and how most of it is staged. They say that if they moms clap for someone else who won, the producers will demand "more drama" and have the girls cry or the moms throw a tantrum. There is talk of boycotting competitions that allow this show to be filmed and the consensus among many dance moms is that they would never allow the owner of that studio to teach their children.

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I have only seen the first episode, but... am I the only one who doesn't think the studio owner is the one with the problem? I think she over reacts a bit, but she knows what she's doing. If you don't want your kid being pushed like that, take her somewhere else.


Seriously, the parents and kids know what they are signing up for when they go into this class. These kids have obviously put in a lot of work, so they've "been there done that"- they know what's expected. Maybe the woman could do a better job explaining her rules for competitions, but really- the mom complained about her kid having to carry her own bags?

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