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Ooops, tell me this gets better

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Ever have a foot in your mouth moment? I seem to have more then my fair share.


A lot of my contact with other homeschoolers has, until recently, been online.


I had a chance to chit chat with another homeschooling parent today and they were gushing about what a good reader their DC was because of some recent books that they had read. I chimed in that my DD had read those and liked them, too.


Which was great, until she asked me how old my DD is. Turns out their DC is 4 years older.




Tell me that this gets better as DD gets older, please?


I swear I wasn't trying to brag. Ugh.

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Actually the person with the foot in their mouth was the person who was bragging and got a bit of a reality check. If it wasn't bragging, then no one got their feet anywhere near their mouth because isn't it great that kids of all ages can enjoy the same books? I'd just say "Great! Maybe they can talk about their favorite characters!"

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My DD met a new friend at a homeschool class and was so excited because they had the same math book she uses. DD started talking to the other mom about how much she likes this particular book (ok - she's a little nerdy) and the other mom is giving me the evil eye. Turned out the math book belonged to new friend's older brother who was very embarrassed (DD was 8, big brother was 13).


BTW - no, it doesn't get better as they get older. The foot still tastes terrible....

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I am very petite, and my ds (who was about 6 at the time) was at the doctor for a check-up. My ds seems to take after me, size-wise, but I've always hoped that he would get some height genes from his dad who is 6 ft tall.


Anyway, the doctor was filling out the growth curve chart, and said that if he kept growing at the current rate, he would be 5'4". I said, "Oh, is that all?" What I failed to remember in my disappointment is that our beloved pediatrician is only about 5'3" himself. He very politely said, "5'4" is a perfectly good height." :001_smile:


FWIW, my son seems to be on track to be a little taller than that now.

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I am very petite, and my ds (who was about 6 at the time) was at the doctor for a check-up. My ds seems to take after me, size-wise, but I've always hoped that he would get some height genes from his dad who is 6 ft tall.


Anyway, the doctor was filling out the growth curve chart, and said that if he kept growing at the current rate, he would be 5'4". I said, "Oh, is that all?" What I failed to remember in my disappointment is that our beloved pediatrician is only about 5'3" himself. He very politely said, "5'4" is a perfectly good height." :001_smile:


FWIW, my son seems to be on track to be a little taller than that now.



I'm sorry, I LOLed. :lol:


Thank you for sharing that!

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I hate it when that happens. I'm sorry.:grouphug:



Actually the person with the foot in their mouth was the person who was bragging and got a bit of a reality check. If it wasn't bragging, then no one got their feet anywhere near their mouth because isn't it great that kids of all ages can enjoy the same books? I'd just say "Great! Maybe they can talk about their favorite characters!"


I did, but they told me their child wasn't interested in talking about it with someone as young as my DD. :glare:


My DD met a new friend at a homeschool class and was so excited because they had the same math book she uses. DD started talking to the other mom about how much she likes this particular book (ok - she's a little nerdy) and the other mom is giving me the evil eye. Turned out the math book belonged to new friend's older brother who was very embarrassed (DD was 8, big brother was 13).


BTW - no, it doesn't get better as they get older. The foot still tastes terrible....


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I found it helped when other homeschoolers started pigeonholing me as a "classical" homeschooler because then they could ask me what we were doing, or let me chat about some now program we were doing that I was excited about...while not feeling bad because they weren't doing that sort of thing, because "they weren't doing classical homeschooling.". We socialised with a lot of homeschoolers with different approaches and I needed to be myself and be able to share my reality, without feeling like I had to hide anything, but also without sounding like I was bragging. Most were not interested in the amount of structure we had so it helped that they knew how we could do all we were doing.

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