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I did it. I said no.

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Now I'm feeling guilty.


I was asked to teach the kindergarten/first grade and VBS this year. I never volunteer to teach because I teach all the time at home. I volunteered for crafts, refreshments, and clean up. I know that they are having trouble getting the classes covered. I know that's why they asked. But I just don't want to. Plus it's my youngest dd's class. We need a break from each other at VBS.


Please tell me I did the right thing.

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I guess it would depend. What will happen if no one steps forward to teach it? Is there really a fallback, or is it likely to be cancelled? I think the things you did volunteer for are great and should certainly be helpful! If your heart is really not into teaching, I would say you definitely did the right thing. If worse comes to worse, and they really, really need you, maybe you could offer assistance if, and only if, they let you change grade levels so that you are not in the same room with your dd.

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You did the right thing! I'm burnt out from our school year right now and know if I don't "recharge" my kids are going to pay come the fall. Saying no sometimes has been one of the hardest things for me to learn but I am better for it.

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You did the right thing. I especially agree because you would have been teaching your daughter -- you definitely need a break from each other if only for the learning and growing experience she has from being on her own in the that setting.

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A wise woman once told me that if you don't feel God leading you into an area of service but you agree to it out of a sense of obligation, you could very well be robbing someone else of the opportunity to serve where God HAS called them.


Not to say that sometimes God doesn't ask us to participate in a ministry that we don't WANT to do, but it is definitely something to consider and pray about.

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Good for you!! I recently started saying no to things that I was not able to do or I needed a break from and I felt guilty for awhile, but I am getting better at it! The guilt goes away. I just run through my head the reasons why I said no and see if my heart is in the right place (not that I say no just because I didnt feel like it, etc) and then I dont feel so guilty. I no longer babysit for free and I set rules in place ahead of time. I am a Girl Scout leader this year, and in order to do that job and my homeschooling well I will not volunteer for any other leadership position. I will not volunteer at 4H because that is something for dd to do without me, plain and simple. One person cannot do everything.

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