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Anyone here have there kids in an afterschool program?

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Sounds odd, but I am thinking of putting my kids in an afterschool program two days a week. For my younger, there's a good music afterschool program run by a homeschool mom that costs $15 a day (2:30 to 6) and for my son, there's a Y sports program from 2:30 to 6 that is the same cost.


Has anyone done this? It will allow me to work more, and if I don't have patients scheduled (I am an acupuncturist and set my own schedule/patients, etc.) it will allow me to get a few things done that are easier without the kids. Plus, it will give them some time apart from each other and time to hang out with friends.


ETA: ack-just noticed the typo in the title-sigh-it's been a long day.

Edited by Halcyon
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Thanks. It just struck me as odd-afterschool for a homeschool kid LOL. I am a little leery of the YMCA afterschool-seems like a LOT of children without a lot of supervision other than distracted high school kids but I think I can evaluate as we go. The other program is great.


I just feel this might give me the time I need to get work stuff done and not feel like I am neglecting my kids at the same time.

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Not only do I think that might be a good idea, but I'm wondering if I could find something similar here? I'm trying to figure out how to juggle working more in the Fall with homeschooling DD, and I'd LOVE it if I could find something that would let her stay busy a couple of days a week for a few hours at a time, so I could get some work done. I've looked at co-ops, but they usually want the parents to stay. An after school program might be just the ticket, without interfering with school time.

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I've always worked 20 or 30 hrs/wk after ds was born. When we started hs'ing at 5, dh went back to school and provided childcare while I worked. Once he returned to full-time work, I had a few teen helpers, but eventually put ds in an after-school program at the local rec center for 2-3 years until he hit middle school. MS here finishes at 4:20 and there is very little supervision at the rec center at that age.


I would have loved to have a nearby sports program. It would have been more enjoyable for ds. The local rec center was convenient and inexpensive. For my extroverted only child, it wasn't a bad experience.

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I did this with my kids when they were younger and it worked out great. They still talk about it. I would drop them off after our homeschooling day and they would have a snack with the other school age kids, an activity and then free play outside when the weather was good, or board games inside. It gave them a chance to play sports for fun with other kids and also board games. It was a Christian school/day care and they had nice relationships with the teachers as well.

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That sounds fabulous for all involved...and very inexpensive.


BTW, I noticed your typo and chuckled.:tongue_smilie: (I know you know better.;))



And I just found out the YMCA is only $13.50 a day, not 15. Even better.


Thanks for being forgiving re my typo LOL!

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Sounds good!


But I did want to tell you about the Y....I worked as an after school counselor for about 6 years, from when I was 16 till 22. I worked at quite a few different schools during that time. You are right about the distracted teens, for the most part. I saw LOTS of horseplay from teens, trying to be the kids friends instead of their authority, kids not listening to the teens for discipline, etc. There's usually one adult per school, with quite a few teen helpers.


I always said that after working in the after school program, I'd never put my own child there. Yours may be run differently and you may feel more comfortable with it, but I just wanted to tell you my experience with working there.

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Sounds good!


But I did want to tell you about the Y....I worked as an after school counselor for about 6 years, from when I was 16 till 22. I worked at quite a few different schools during that time. You are right about the distracted teens, for the most part. I saw LOTS of horseplay from teens, trying to be the kids friends instead of their authority, kids not listening to the teens for discipline, etc. There's usually one adult per school, with quite a few teen helpers.


I always said that after working in the after school program, I'd never put my own child there. Yours may be run differently and you may feel more comfortable with it, but I just wanted to tell you my experience with working there.



Thanks. I may just put them bot hin the music program, but I am not sure my older will be all that happy with it.....

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