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Calling Obama supporters

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For fifteen (?) years of our married life, we qualified for WIC and food stamps on my dh's enlisted income. We did not take them. We did not need them. We have no qualms about people who NEED them taking them. We would, if we saw a need, offer to drive the people who need them to the food stamp office (to save them gas money) and assist them with filling out the paperwork if, say, their hands were broken or something.


But to argue and blog and sneer at a candidate who is a supporter of some social programs because you feel that's what, immoral?, and then say you don't need programs but you take them anyway, and not only do you take them, but you take more than you can use?


Really? REALLY?? You're serious?




We qualify for WIC (on my husband's public school teacher income. funny how many people who work for the government qualify for these programs, isn't it?) We did get it for awhile when he first started working, but when we decided we didn't need it anymore, we stopped getting it.

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I am not entirely at peace with us taking WIC. Frankly, I just look at our bottom line.....and if they offer it, we take it. but I ain't entirely happy about it.



I conditionally retract the sneer part. Conditional on if I find you have in this thread, I un-retract my retraction. Fair enough, I think.


If you consider it immoral, then how in the world do you justify being a recipient of this redistribution. How can you stand the cognitive dissonance that arises when you eat the bread of others when you do not need to while holding this position?


I'm not a Christian, but when I was, I am pretty sure what you're doing (while at the same time injuring your conscience with something not unlike meat offered to idols) is a little bit backward there for someone who holds your convictions *and* your faith.

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btw....the blog is up and running again.



If you consider it immoral, then how in the world do you justify being a recipient of this redistribution. How can you stand the cognitive dissonance that arises when you eat the bread of others when you do not need to while holding this position?

well this is a powerful argument and believe me I feel the force of it. my only justification is that the politicians who passed this legislation intended it for people like me. I also intend to take social security one day even tho I wish the program were eliminated. I can't see any way around this.

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Yes we qualify for all those things and I don't think we are the better for them. Since the tax code takes from the rich, it is taking money from the most productive members of society. That money is then processed thru a hugely inefficient bureaucracy and given to people who often don't need it.

We just bought a brand new house. why do we need WIC? but since they meant if for us, we take it.

also....now that we have WIC the temptation is huge to waste the stuff we were given since we never paid for it. I just found a full bottle of milk that our little boy never drank. Oh well.....who cares......we never paid for it. just dump, fill it up again, and waste some more. oh....and the more kids we have, the more milk we get from the govt teat. and we are having kids fast and furious:auto::auto:


The perverse incentives this program creates are terrible.


Please go away. Please, please go away. Now. And forever.


How dare you? How dare you come here and do this to us? We are a diverse group of people and the vast majority of us have nothing but respect for one another even in our disagreements.


Do you know the level of hurt you may have caused? Don't you have something better to do with your life?


If you are serious about this post then please go away. If you are making fun of people on WIC with this sick idea of humor then please go away.


I am so mad. I am so mad. I am so mad. Do we have a mad icon? :angry::cursing: Nope, nothing that even comes close.


Oh, I played right into your hands, didn't I? I bet you are having a good laugh at my expense and the expense of others on here who even marginally agreed with some of your posts.


This post will probably be deleted, but I hope, hope, hope you get to see it first.

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Oh, Kelli, I know how you feel but don't take it personally, trolls are out to hurt. That's the intent. At least peole have seen this one for what he is. I'm putting him on ignore and encourage everyone else to do the same. Because they can't hurt us if we ignore them.

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