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Please list any and all geography curricula, and any opinions you have on them.


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I'm looking for a geography curriculum for 3rd grade, and depending what it is I might use it for my 1st grader and preschooler too. We have been using Evan-Moore (sp?) Daily Geography. It is O.K., my son is learning to read maps and know directions. But, I think I want something that expands his world more, KWIM? Any ideas?

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I use Galloping the Globe for my K'er, 3rd, 2nd, and 6th grader. I do an area/week,and we usually do the flag for each country. We really enjoyed it at Christmas time because we made an ornament that related to each country we studied. We then hung it on our 'international tree' in our school room. It was a lot of fun. The book also has many other suggestions to study more in depth. I also use Uncle Bob's blackline maps,and we do those weekly. A lot of our geography is also just in reading. We always refer to the map when we are doing any reading that gives it's location. I've noticed that my dc have learned just so much just from that. HTH a bit!

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Galloping the Globe-good basic program, lots of supplemental reading and activites listed-good for a variety of ages


Beautiful Feet Geography-uses the Holling books and a lovely map-I think this is a really lovely program and perfect for younger kids-maybe 1st-5th? The Holling bks are amazing IMO.


Geography Matters-Trail Guide to World Geography (also has US geography)

I have not used this yet but plan on to later on. It says it can be used for the younger grades but I plan on using it more in the middle school yrs. It has more detailed information, writing exercises, reports, etc.

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We use Geography Songs by Audio Memory. Using this program with the book it comes with my ds 7.5 can so far identify all countries in Africa and Europe. It is tons of fun and my dd5 also enjoys it and has learned many countries. We also recently got the Oregon Scientific SmartGlobe and my son loves it.It's pricey but worth it IMHO and on sale right now. It even has current events and you can hook it up to your computer for updates. My son has learned more geography this year than I learned in 16 years of schooling.

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We, also, use Geography Songs. And we have a talking globe, too.


By way of workbooks, I've used a large variety of Weekly Reader Map Skills Books and other booklets like those for geography available through RRC and elsewhere. I also use and really like McGraw Hill' Complete Maps and Geography (which emphasizes US geo more than world). It can be used over the course of several years.


I like and have used BF's study guide to go along with the Holling books. I'm going to be using those again next year.


I have a ton of atlases and other geo term type books that we use. I have never used the geography "curriculums" that are often metioned here. None of them have ever really excited me when I've looked at them.



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We use Trail Guide to World Geography. I think I bought it at homeschool e-store. There's three levels for it. You buy the student level and then a parent's manual, which I believe has all three levels in one. There's a couple of daily, short question to be answered (ie, Where is Nicaragua?) and then longer studies on mapping, in-depth studying of the area, some notebooking, and dictionary terms to choose from for more learning. I pick and choose the activities we do.

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Beautiful Feet Geography-uses the Holling books and a lovely map-I think this is a really lovely program and perfect for younger kids-maybe 1st-5th? The Holling bks are amazing IMO.


Can you share what states are covered or what states aren't covered?

This looks really interesting!


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I'm going to go with Trail Guide to World Geography next year. Ds has the mapping skills to do it and I know he will love it! Thanks so much everyone! I would never have looked at it on my own!


We did do GTG in K and did enjoy it a lot, but thinking about doing it again with all the other subjects we have going sounded like a lot. Trail Guide looks semi independent, which is great!

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