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Can we start another P90X motivational thread?

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I am so psyched to say that I have just finished my first week of P90X classic! I was doing the "baby" P90X (Power 90) and felt I had outgrown it. So, dh bought me P90X for my b-day on June 15! Alas, it has not come yet (we live overseas and with military mail it probably went on the boat instead of the plane, so it could be another month yet!). But I found out that a friend bought P90X *and* Insanity but is not using them! (She runs marathons instead, lol.) So, she let me borrow them.


I am loving P90X! I tried Insanity and it was just too much. I mean, on the first dvd the people in the class were dying by the end! So, I'm going to shelve that until I've mastered P90X.


I'm really happy with my progress so far. I did TKD for 3 years before moving overseas so doing kenpo today was the best so far. Yoga was kind of weird and I must say that I hate downward dog, but I think I will grow to like it. Had a bit of difficulty finding a way to loop bands over a beam or something but figured out a way to do it today.


I'm 48 and hope to lose about 25 pounds. I also want to start running but feel to heavy right now to give it a lot of attention. I love the muscle stuff--dh and I used to lift in college together so that's great. I've always played sports but in the last 10 years, with 6 kids either by adoption or birth, a move overseas, homeschooling, the lbs have settled int.


Thanks to all of you who are motivating me! Especially Uhura and Jennifer (?) who does the P90X plus Insanity! You guys rock and I look forward to your posts!



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I just started 30-day Shred (Jillian/Biggest Loser). It was recommended by my sister (ultra marathon runner) who thought it might be easier on my joints. I'm not a high impact person. Picked up the P90 at a garage sale. I'm interested to know what you think about it...I might be willing!

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I am so psyched to say that I have just finished my first week of P90X classic! I was doing the "baby" P90X (Power 90) and felt I had outgrown it. So, dh bought me P90X for my b-day on June 15! Alas, it has not come yet (we live overseas and with military mail it probably went on the boat instead of the plane, so it could be another month yet!). But I found out that a friend bought P90X *and* Insanity but is not using them! (She runs marathons instead, lol.) So, she let me borrow them.


I am loving P90X! I tried Insanity and it was just too much. I mean, on the first dvd the people in the class were dying by the end! So, I'm going to shelve that until I've mastered P90X.


I'm really happy with my progress so far. I did TKD for 3 years before moving overseas so doing kenpo today was the best so far. Yoga was kind of weird and I must say that I hate downward dog, but I think I will grow to like it. Had a bit of difficulty finding a way to loop bands over a beam or something but figured out a way to do it today.


I'm 48 and hope to lose about 25 pounds. I also want to start running but feel to heavy right now to give it a lot of attention. I love the muscle stuff--dh and I used to lift in college together so that's great. I've always played sports but in the last 10 years, with 6 kids either by adoption or birth, a move overseas, homeschooling, the lbs have settled int.


Thanks to all of you who are motivating me! Especially Uhura and Jennifer (?) who does the P90X plus Insanity! You guys rock and I look forward to your posts!




Congrats on your first week! I never learned to like yoga.


Insanity truly is insane! And that first workout is TOUGH! I actually liked that the people on the video were dying. It helped motivate me. You will definitely be ready for Insanity after P90X. Definitely!!!


I usually do one program at a time. I finished a round of P90X last year and then moved on to Insanity (2 rounds) and now Asylum. I also run. I made it up to day 12 in Asylum when my kids got really, really sick. I've now taken three days off. I start back in tomorrow!!!!

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I knwe that there was one more person to mention but couldn't remember who it was! Yes, you're another inspiration. So please keep the encouragement going! Jennifer, thanks for the tip on Insanity. I *do* still want to do it and I love that style of take-no=prisoner working out. Amanda, JUST DO IT! You can. As Tony says, just push the play button and do what you can!


Going to bed.



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Congrats on your first week! I never learned to like yoga.


Insanity truly is insane! And that first workout is TOUGH! I actually liked that the people on the video were dying. It helped motivate me. You will definitely be ready for Insanity after P90X. Definitely!!!


I usually do one program at a time. I finished a round of P90X last year and then moved on to Insanity (2 rounds) and now Asylum. I also run. I made it up to day 12 in Asylum when my kids got really, really sick. I've now taken three days off. I start back in tomorrow!!!!


Most complained about workout! Doing Yoga X tomorrow to shake out Insanity.


I knwe that there was one more person to mention but couldn't remember who it was! Yes, you're another inspiration. So please keep the encouragement going! Jennifer, thanks for the tip on Insanity. I *do* still want to do it and I love that style of take-no=prisoner working out. Amanda, JUST DO IT! You can. As Tony says, just push the play button and do what you can!


Going to bed.





I was not offended. :) I never pass an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite subjects.

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May I ask you some questions about this program? I had to look at a few sites, each had a little more info. Of course I don't want to buy if I'm not going to use.


It's the "it only takes 1 hour per day" that I don't think I could fulfill. Do you use all these DVDs divided over the period of a week? Do you skip some and still see good results? Do you do less than 1 hr/day? Could you please give me an idea of how you use this program and whether you've seen results comparable to the advertisements? Ie: The ads say "1 hr/day" and talk about getting those "6pak abs" "get ripped in 90 days".


This program looks to be something I would use, but toned down a bit :D and I really want to know if anyone else uses it this way - and *how* it has worked for you! TIA!

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May I ask you some questions about this program? I had to look at a few sites, each had a little more info. Of course I don't want to buy if I'm not going to use.


It's the "it only takes 1 hour per day" that I don't think I could fulfill. Do you use all these DVDs divided over the period of a week? Do you skip some and still see good results? Do you do less than 1 hr/day? Could you please give me an idea of how you use this program and whether you've seen results comparable to the advertisements? Ie: The ads say "1 hr/day" and talk about getting those "6pak abs" "get ripped in 90 days".


This program looks to be something I would use, but toned down a bit :D and I really want to know if anyone else uses it this way - and *how* it has worked for you! TIA!



Ask around because lots of people buy it and never use it, or quit after a couple weeks. I think it works best for people who are used to exercising on a regular basis. I already have arraigned my life to have that 45-90 mins a day for exercise. I think P90X is good but I am not sure it is THAT good.


If you are interested in P-90X, I say you start by committing getting in an hour of sweaty workout 6 days a week for a few weeks. That is the real key to healthy living. There is nothing special to P90X, it is just MOVING every day. A light walk for 20 mins isn't going to do it. Not really. I lost 40 lbs getting on the Nordic Trac for 45 mins a day 5 days a week, weight lifting a few times a week and keeping my calories to 1500 a day. I also used a bunch of videos at exercise tv. I got the NT from my mom and exercise TV is free, so you don't have to spend a lot


I would love a P90x support thread but it needs to be in the cold weather. In the summer, I am loving the outside workouts!


For inspiration, I loved the book Younger Next Year. Check your library. 45 mins of sweating every day is what you were born to do!

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May I ask you some questions about this program? I had to look at a few sites, each had a little more info. Of course I don't want to buy if I'm not going to use.


It's the "it only takes 1 hour per day" that I don't think I could fulfill. Do you use all these DVDs divided over the period of a week? Do you skip some and still see good results? Do you do less than 1 hr/day? Could you please give me an idea of how you use this program and whether you've seen results comparable to the advertisements? Ie: The ads say "1 hr/day" and talk about getting those "6pak abs" "get ripped in 90 days".


This program looks to be something I would use, but toned down a bit :D and I really want to know if anyone else uses it this way - and *how* it has worked for you! TIA!


It actually takes more than 1 hour a day, figure 75-90 minutes. You can get some what fit if you don't follow the program according to the directions. To get those results in the ads, you need to follow the diet as well.


Since you have hesitation about the time this is probably not the program for you. You should look into Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire, RevABs, or Power 90. Those programs are probably more your speed BUT each program requires exercising nearly every day. People get awesome results with those programs as well.


If you have a facebook account, I highly recommend visiting the official fan pages for P90X, Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire, RevAbs and Power 90 for more insight. Average joes post their pictures and their trials and tribulations.

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It's the version Tony did before P90X. I really wouldn't have stayed motivated if I had started with P90X. In Jan I went to the gyn for a regular checkup and she said my blood pressure was really high. This spooked me (I'm *only* 47, have six kids under 14 and have *never* had high blood pressure!) So, I decided to get going. Ordered Power 90 (which as you saw above takes forever when you are depending on military mail) and started walking 3 miles a day about 5 days a week. Power 90 arrived in late Feb so I started it beginning of March. It was hard at first, but only 35-40 min each day. Kept going with it, lost about 10 lbs and a total of 3 in on my hips and waist. Finally felt ready for P90X and now I'm loving it. But I must say that I'm glad I started P90X in the summer since I do have more time available while kids are not doing school and sleeping in a bit. I'm so hoping that this "addiction" has become that, just like brushing my teeth. I know it's working and I'm feeling sssooooo good! Anyway, I think it you want to start with a minimal workout, Power 90 is a good choice (although I hear good things about the ones LG mentioned too.) Try your library before you buy! Lots of them have this either on the shelves or through ILL. The only thing you need for Power 90 is stretchy bands or dumbells (my son made me some out of empty 96 oz juice containers filled with sand until my bands arrived.) But start something! You'll be so glad you did!



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Jeri - congrats on finishing P90 and starting P90X!!!! I did two rounds of P90X w/ the 2nd round being P90X doubles. I loved it! You mentioned blood pressure in a later post. I watch my blood pressure and resting heart rate often as hypertension runs in my family. When I started P90X, my resting heart rate (RHR) was in the 70s (average/good) and my blood pressure was about 120/70 (good). After 1 round of P90x my RHR was in the upper 60s. After 2 rounds of P90X my RHR was in the low 60s. After 4 weeks of Insanity, my RHR is now in the LOW 50s! My blood pressure is 110/62. Those are results I can live with. :lol:


You'll be ready for Insanity after P90X!!! PlyoX will get you ready! Insanity is like PlyoX everyday but less intense on the thighs but more intense on the heart and lungs.

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there's a baby p90?

I'm looking for something to jumpstart myself. While I used to be quite in shape with 12hrs of martial arts per week, this was B.C. (before children). It's been a while. In the last 3 or 4 years, I've packed an extra 30 lbs. I *need* to start doing something.

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there's a baby p90?

I'm looking for something to jumpstart myself. While I used to be quite in shape with 12hrs of martial arts per week, this was B.C. (before children). It's been a while. In the last 3 or 4 years, I've packed an extra 30 lbs. I *need* to start doing something.


There is P90X and P90, the precursor to P90X. You could do P90. Another one that is good is Chalean Extreme. P90 and Chalean Extreme are great options for people who are not ready for P90X and above (Insanity, Asylum).


You can find examples of these programs by going to youtube. LOTS of coaches video their experiences. Even if you never choose these programs, it is heartwarming to see people make the transformation. These are not people with perfect bodies either. They are average.

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Day 42 of P90X here. In the first 30 days I lost an inch off my chest, 1 1/2 in off my hips 3/4 in off my waist. I've been struggling with the diet aspect for the last 10 days or so and really need to get back on track.


I'm loving the workouts (with the exception of Yoga) and am beyond happy with how much stronger I am becoming. I won't discuss the amazing changes in my DH except to say that I am loving all of his new rippling muscles! ;)

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Ask around because lots of people buy it and never use it, or quit after a couple weeks. I think it works best for people who are used to exercising on a regular basis. I already have arraigned my life to have that 45-90 mins a day for exercise. I think P90X is good but I am not sure it is THAT good.


If you are interested in P-90X, I say you start by committing getting in an hour of sweaty workout 6 days a week for a few weeks. That is the real key to healthy living. There is nothing special to P90X, it is just MOVING every day. A light walk for 20 mins isn't going to do it. Not really. I lost 40 lbs getting on the Nordic Trac for 45 mins a day 5 days a week, weight lifting a few times a week and keeping my calories to 1500 a day. I also used a bunch of videos at exercise tv. I got the NT from my mom and exercise TV is free, so you don't have to spend a lot


I would love a P90x support thread but it needs to be in the cold weather. In the summer, I am loving the outside workouts!


For inspiration, I loved the book Younger Next Year. Check your library. 45 mins of sweating every day is what you were born to do!


This is good advice. Years ago, I used some VHS tapes and they worked well for me back then. . . but I am going to look at the library and do a trial. Good idea - thanks!


It actually takes more than 1 hour a day, figure 75-90 minutes. You can get some what fit if you don't follow the program according to the directions. To get those results in the ads, you need to follow the diet as well.


Since you have hesitation about the time this is probably not the program for you. You should look into Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire, RevABs, or Power 90. Those programs are probably more your speed BUT each program requires exercising nearly every day. People get awesome results with those programs as well.


If you have a facebook account, I highly recommend visiting the official fan pages for P90X, Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire, RevAbs and Power 90 for more insight. Average joes post their pictures and their trials and tribulations.


Good ideas to get myself motivated. And thanks for the ideas to look at different programs first.


It's the version Tony did before P90X. I really wouldn't have stayed motivated if I had started with P90X. In Jan I went to the gyn for a regular checkup and she said my blood pressure was really high. This spooked me (I'm *only* 47, have six kids under 14 and have *never* had high blood pressure!) So, I decided to get going. Ordered Power 90 (which as you saw above takes forever when you are depending on military mail) and started walking 3 miles a day about 5 days a week. Power 90 arrived in late Feb so I started it beginning of March. It was hard at first, but only 35-40 min each day. Kept going with it, lost about 10 lbs and a total of 3 in on my hips and waist. Finally felt ready for P90X and now I'm loving it. But I must say that I'm glad I started P90X in the summer since I do have more time available while kids are not doing school and sleeping in a bit. I'm so hoping that this "addiction" has become that, just like brushing my teeth. I know it's working and I'm feeling sssooooo good! Anyway, I think it you want to start with a minimal workout, Power 90 is a good choice (although I hear good things about the ones LG mentioned too.) Try your library before you buy! Lots of them have this either on the shelves or through ILL. The only thing you need for Power 90 is stretchy bands or dumbells (my son made me some out of empty 96 oz juice containers filled with sand until my bands arrived.) But start something! You'll be so glad you did!




Ahh, thanks for the encouragement!


Day 42 of P90X here. In the first 30 days I lost an inch off my chest, 1 1/2 in off my hips 3/4 in off my waist. I've been struggling with the diet aspect for the last 10 days or so and really need to get back on track.


I'm loving the workouts (with the exception of Yoga) and am beyond happy with how much stronger I am becoming. I won't discuss the amazing changes in my DH except to say that I am loving all of his new rippling muscles! ;)


Good for you! I wish my dh would do something like this w/me . . . Who knows, maybe he will one day!

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It's really funny hearing Tony talk a mile a minute nonstop! I sped it up to 1.2 and it still worked but went faster. I think I will try that on Yoga to try to speed that up too. And next time through I will schedule it so yoga is on a Sat or Sun so I have more time.



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jeri, great job! I'm still working through Power 90. :D


I'm curious, how close did (are) you monitor(ing) nutrition during P90 and now during P90X?


What about everyone else? :bigear:


With 8 in the family, I can't afford that! During Power 90 I tried to clean up my act by being much more conscious of what I ate. My problem is portion control! I really love food and love to cook. But I won't say that we eat very unhealthily. I don't have chips/soda/cookies lying around the house. But I only lost about 10 lbs from Jan through May.


Since I started P90X 10 days ago, I've really turned up my attention to food. I kept a cal/fat/pro/fiber log last week, stocked up on some high protein foods (wasa bread and cottage cheese, almonds, l/f milk products, etc.), and am really focusing on portion control. I gave myself permission to ignore this one night a week to account for a bday party or outing. This is probably the hardest thing for me since I really do love good food! But I think it is what is going to make a huge difference in my fitness. I'm hoping that it can become a habit, just like working out.


I think the most important thing is to have good food that's available when you are hungry. For example, this past weekend I cooked a couple of chicken breasts and put them in the refrig. That in a whole grain wrap with lettuce/tomato will make a great lunch!


Other people have said that you have to watch your diet while you are doing these programs and I agree!



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With 8 in the family, I can't afford that! During Power 90 I tried to clean up my act by being much more conscious of what I ate. My problem is portion control! I really love food and love to cook. But I won't say that we eat very unhealthily. I don't have chips/soda/cookies lying around the house. But I only lost about 10 lbs from Jan through May.


You and me both, sister! I have portion control issues and I enjoy cooking! We also don't typically have chips and soda in the house, but when we do (this time it was DH's leftovers from his BBQ at work), it disappears too fast!


Since I started P90X 10 days ago, I've really turned up my attention to food. I kept a cal/fat/pro/fiber log last week, stocked up on some high protein foods (wasa bread and cottage cheese, almonds, l/f milk products, etc.), and am really focusing on portion control. I gave myself permission to ignore this one night a week to account for a bday party or outing. This is probably the hardest thing for me since I really do love good food! But I think it is what is going to make a huge difference in my fitness. I'm hoping that it can become a habit, just like working out.


Good for you, keeping a log! When I'm "on track", I have a green smoothie for breakfast, a bowl of homemade soup for lunch, and whatever for dinner, just one plate. We usually eat fruit for dessert. You're right, it's a habit to form...ack...


I think the most important thing is to have good food that's available when you are hungry. For example, this past weekend I cooked a couple of chicken breasts and put them in the refrig. That in a whole grain wrap with lettuce/tomato will make a great lunch!


Sounds yum! May have to try it!


Other people have said that you have to watch your diet while you are doing these programs and I agree!


That's what I've heard, too. I'm just trying to tie it all together into something doable...:)





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Other people have said that you have to watch your diet while you are doing these programs and I agree!




If you are trying to lose weight you sure do. After losing, and keeping off, over 40 lbs I have come to the conclusion that weight loss is 85% food oriented and only 15% exercise.


Now, vigorous on a regular basis is life changing. It is the best thing you can do for your body. It makes every part of your life better. But, if you need to loose 15 lbs or more, it's all about portion control. That is where the magic happens.


You simply cannot exercise enough to take off a significant amount of weight. The average (I know..what is that?) human uses approx 100 calories to move a mile. It is 3,500 calories to a pound. You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. Do the math and you will see how important managing the food part can be.

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Thread hijack! Thread hijack! Thread hijack! :willy_nilly::drool5::svengo:


Shaun T is coming to San Diego November 12. I am putting together a team RIGHT NOW. Message me if you want to do this.



Okay, back to P90X.


WHAT????? I want in!!! Too far for me though.

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All we can do is keep working it. I just ILLed a book by a woman named Wiatt who writes about portion control that Tony mentions. It just showed up today and I have to pick it up. Maybe it will help?


And Red Squirrel, you're so right! We live in Germany where the chocolate is inexpensive and delicious! That's a huge downfall for me!


That's why it's nice to allow one night off--so I can eat chocolate!




PS. I hope you guys get in on Shaun T. in San Diego! How cool!

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I have come to the conclusion that weight loss is 85% food oriented and only 15% exercise.


This is exactly what Weight Watchers teaches. While they do talk about exercises, they don't put any emphasis on it apart from asking members to move more (taking the stairs instead of an elevator). Weight loss does come from portion control. Vigorous exercise will ramp up your metabolism and accelerate weight loss *if* you're calorie deficient.

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jeri, you were born in Korea, too???


Just kidding.




Thanks for the book idea! I'll have to look some books up when I get to the library next!


I started my workouts again (yesterday and today) after a stressful and food-filled week and weekend. I'm so glad I have support here and on the teambeachbody website. Seriously, I've given up already a thousand times in my head, but I keep coming back, keep pushing play! CRRRRAZY!

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