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I am not rolling my eyes...I am just looking away

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:svengo::huh: Well color me stupid! I thought all of this time the DS was just being disrespectful when actually he is just casually looking away. So I guess if I commence beating him about the head and shoulders I could just say I wasn't trying to knock some sense into you I was just trying to fan you with my hands!


I started to asked if I looked that stupid but was afraid of the response. TGIF.


Before the flames start I wasn't beating him in the head. I can't reach that high :D:D:D

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Then he's not very good at it. I would laugh and make them go roll their eyes a hundred times while looking in the bathroom mirror. When it didn't affect me they stopped doing it. Plus, it really is funny the way kids react to us annoying parents.

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I think there is something in a person's DNA that at a certain age the eyes roll automatically. This lasts a few years and clears up on its own.



You think there might be any way to speed up the process?


I'd hate to think every kid must endure this discomfort for years. (Maybe an actual smack upside the head could somehow straighten that out!? :w00t:)


I could make the sacrifice and try it out with my 14 yo. He is still just a bit shorter than me.







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