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I must whine a bit

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We have been "done" with school since the beginning of May. But, for the first time, we are doing math and writing 2-3 days a week for the summer and will start back full time August 15th (we are planning to take the first part of August completely off). We didn't really start writing until December of last year when we switched to WWE, so we are trying to get done with that. We aren't behind in math; I just want to flow right into the next level. I know that is very little school work, but I.don't.want.to.do.it. The girls aren't really complaining, and it takes very little time, but I don't want to do school. I am such a whiner.

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I'll join your whine. We do math and Latin year round, five days a week. I don't mind teaching lessons, but I hate, hate correcting math everyday. I used ALEKS during the schoolyear to get out of grading math. But we are moving away from ALEKS this year to reduce costs and provide more practice problems for a couple of the kids who had retention issues with ALEKS. Grading it myself is helpful in that I have a much clearer idea of each child's level of understanding and carelessness. I just hate doing it. Also, the Friday Latin tables quizzes I give...I don't like grading them either. Without them, the kids somehow don't ever seem to nail the forms, so I give and mark them anyway. Actually, I pretty much hate grading or rather checking work, since I rarely put actual grades on things; I just mark it and give it back for corrections. I seem to lack others love affair with the red pen.

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Oh man, me, too! We're doing full school this summer, & it's SO HOT, & I'm SO CRANKY. It's too hot to school over the summer, but it's too hot to do anything else, either.


We usually do some light school over the summer, but I'm planning to take the autumn off instead--new baby & moving. But yeah, I really want to say, "We're taking this month OFF." :lol:

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I hear ya! We're doing full school. I had to take 2 months off for morning sickness earlier in the year. And I plan to take a about a month or month and a half off when the baby is born in the fall....so school is pretty mandatory for us right now. :glare:

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Right there with y'all! We're just doing grammar, math, and spelling 2-3 days/week, and I dread it. Ds is doing fine with it, but I will consistently put it off to do something else... then I feel guilty. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm the same. We school year round, but take off nearly all of June. We've been doing math (as we just switched and I needed to back up a bit to help them acclimate) and wanted to do history and literature. We've been doing okay with math, but I seriously don't want to read to the girls right now. Horrible, right? I usually love reading to them, but I am being extremely lazy and moody and irritable during our break. :glare:

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I totally understand! Packing to move in October, unpacking in the new house in November, and holidays in December did not make for a good school year. We didn't manage to finish grammar, writing, history, science, or math.


I hate it!

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We have been "done" with school since the beginning of May. But, for the first time, we are doing math and writing 2-3 days a week for the summer and will start back full time August 15th (we are planning to take the first part of August completely off). We didn't really start writing until December of last year when we switched to WWE, so we are trying to get done with that. We aren't behind in math; I just want to flow right into the next level. I know that is very little school work, but I.don't.want.to.do.it. The girls aren't really complaining, and it takes very little time, but I don't want to do school. I am such a whiner.


Well, we have been done for a month now and are just getting around to do our testing. I am sitting here thinking about needing to start thinking about next school year and only having about another month off and I want to whine! It doesn't help that I am working basically full-time, so I am not getting any downtime to work on the house etc.


All that is to say, you have my permission to whine all you want. :D

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My turn to whine: I don't know why this year is any different, but it is. We have always schooled year round and haven't given it a second thought (because we take off days or weeks throughout the year). This summer, though, is so hard to keep going, even with the light load of math, spelling, reading, some science. So, I think what I'm going to do is declare 3 weeks off and party hard, then come back gradually. We'll be in full swing by 3rd week in Aug.


Anybody else gonna join me and take some unplanned time off? :tongue_smilie:

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