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40th birthday

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I'll turn 40 in about a month. I know if I don't do something special, I'll feel bad. The problem is I'm not sure I know what to do. Well, I have some ideas but it has to be feasible economically! Did you do anything special for your 40th or do you have any plans for when the day arrives?

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I just turned 40 a couple weeks ago. I didn't do anything special. In fact, I'm not even sure we did much of anything at all... Ok, THAT would be special. :D


I have nothing against turning 40 or any age, just don't feel like I need to make a big whoop-do about my birthday. If you're a big whoop-do person, then I think you should make it a point to mark the day, though.


And welcome <almost> to the club!

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I turned 40 a couple weeks ago, too. I celebrated with a special dinner my brother made and a cake with my family. It was very nice and low key. I wouldn't have done anything different. My boss made a big deal out of the fact I was turning 40, like I would be devastated or something (she was, apparently). I'm happy with what I have accomplished and where my life is, for the most part. It's just a number, right? Right?! :)

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A friend of mine just turned 40. She invited us and another couple to join her and her husband for dinner at a local restaurant. They paid so I'm sure it was somewhat pricey, but less than a big party or trip or something. Afterwards we headed back to her house for cake and coffee. It was a really lovely night of great food and good conversation.

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