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Should i take her to the hospital? Or Urgent Care?

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:lol::lol::lol: I wish, i also have a 3 year old with the flu and the 3 year olds twin, 6 year old triplets, a 7 year old, 9 year old, 11 year old, and other teenagers asking if their friends can come over. :glare:


:svengo: Regarding the teenagers, just say no! :D


I'm so glad to hear you're getting answers and that she's feeling better. :grouphug:

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She had a rupturing ovarian cyst, they kept her until about 7am this morning because she was also dehydrated, they gave her an iv to get her hydrated. They also gave her pain meds. They suspect she's had ovarian cysts for awhile, and this time it ruptured.



She's feeling much better this morning :)



Tomorrow we have a follow-up visit with a new doctor, The doctor at the hospital said she might have to go on birth control but when we go to the follow up doctor they will give us more information on this.


Thanks for all your concern and :grouphug:'s :)


So glad she is feeling better.


I just had my Dd in ER a bit over a week ago for the same thing and they also could't "see" anything on the ultrasound other than she definitely was ovulating.


We are moving in a month so I am waiting until then to have Dd seen by a GYN (one experienced with young girls). I want to have Dd checked out.


I had such horrible periods in middle/high school and never had anything checked out. It was a case of "it is normal and you just have to accept and deal with it". Well I found out at age 25 that I had severe endometriosis. Thankfully no doctor suggested a hysterectomy but then again I was seeing them for infertility so they knew I wanted to have babies. The endometriosis had completely blocked my tubes. I went on Lupron (?) for 6 months. Then still a year later no baby. When I was 27 I did IVF and had my twins when I was 28. Then when they were 3, I was going to do IVF again, but a week before my initial appointment I found out I was pregnant. Then another baby 2 yrs later.


I do not want my Dd to have to suffer like I did and I do not believe that she needs to suck it up or learn to deal with the misery. Being miserable for several years is just not a life IMO when something can be done now days to help. I am going to also seek natural alternatives before putting her on bcp but if I find out that it is more than just "normal" issues, she will go on bcp in a heart beat. I do not want my Dd to grow up and hate being a female.

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It's incredibly painful when an ovarian cyst ruptures. When I had one rupture, I was sure that I had been shot. I've never experienced pain like that in my life and it doesn't go away quickly either. I was on prescription pain medicine for several weeks.


One thing that really helped me was cutting out all caffeine. I never drank coffee, but I did drink 6-10 Dr. Peppers every day (this was in college).


I had lots of pain during every period for several months after the cyst ruptured. The doctor recommended cutting out caffeine and that did the trick. I never felt even a twinge after I was caffeine-free.

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She had a rupturing ovarian cyst, they kept her until about 7am this morning because she was also dehydrated, they gave her an iv to get her hydrated. They also gave her pain meds. They suspect she's had ovarian cysts for awhile, and this time it ruptured.



She's feeling much better this morning :)



Tomorrow we have a follow-up visit with a new doctor, The doctor at the hospital said she might have to go on birth control but when we go to the follow up doctor they will give us more information on this.


Thanks for all your concern and :grouphug:'s :)


OMG those things hurt!! They're absolutely horrid (speaking from some experience here). I feel so bad for your dd having to go through that. I hope that they can offer treatment options for her, b/c she's just so young and shouldn't have to deal with stuff like this. :(

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Thanks again! :) Hoping we get answers later today (its 2am)


Finally get to go to bed! Just got the 3 year old with the flu to sleep :glare:


I havent slept in 40+ hours, and her appointment is at 9am :glare:


The funniest thing is i just lost 20 minutes of sleep to play on the internet :lol:


Goodnight! :D

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My oldest daughter was plagued with ovarian cysts. We discovered them when the doctor suspected an appendicitis. It was on the right side and she seemed to have all the symptoms. After her surgery the doctor said it was the largest ovarian cyst he had ever seen (of course he was a pediatric surgeon so he may not have seen that many). It was the size of a grapefruit. They decompressed it during surgery. She continued to be plagued with them. We ended up having to put her on the pill. I really hated to do it but every month she was in agony. It just wasn't worth it anymore. She is MUCH better now that she is on the pill. I hope at some point she can get off of them.


Hope your daughter feels better soon!


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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