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thoughts on Anayltical Grammar

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I'm planning on using Anayltical Grammar for 7th and 8th grade and I'd like to hear what you've all thought about this program


and, is there anything else out there that is as thorough for less $.



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My kids have done well with it and I'm pleased with the program overall. I have 2 doing AG and one doing Easy Grammar. AG is much more thorough, but EG works well for my one dd that uses it (my 9th grader). She found AG very tedious, and I think it was just too much for her with the labeling. Other dd (11th) and ds (7th) do great with it.

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We're just finishing up our first year with AG. My 8th grader did it in a year, mostly as a review. (She'd previously used Rod & Staff.) My 6th grader is doing it in two years.


My girls don't complain about it, and they seem to retain it very well. What more could you want in a grammar program? :001_smile:


I'd be happy to answer any specific questions you have.

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I bought this for my 7th grader. I remember it being expensive, but it covers three years. He went from hating grammar to never complaining about it. He actually said he likes grammar. After using it for a month, I bought JAG for ds (5th grade). I also like that you finish it in 10 weeks and then you can devote that time to something else. So, I consider it one of my best buys.

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Hey Amy, talk to me more about your schedule. I'm going to have my 8th grader start AG next year, but I don't know if I want to try to do it all in a year or spread it out over 2 or 3 years. I have the recommended schedules from the authors, but I'd be interested to know how much time your dd spent doing grammar. My ds has done A Beka grammar for several years, so I don't expect the concepts to be new to him, but I know he's going to have a lot on his plate next year. Do you have an estimate of average minutes/day, days a week your dd spent?

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We have used AG this year with no breaks. We will complete only the first two seasons, because we started after the beginning of the school year and we will finish a few weeks before the end of the school year. However, we have done season 1&2. My son is a 7th grader and has worked approximately 45 minutes, 4 days/week. I would think it would be relatively time-consuming to do all in one year if your schedule would already be full. However, it would be very easy to get done in 30 minutes a day or less if you spread it across two years.

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She did grammar four to five days a week for approximately 30-40 minutes per day. I wanted a nice thorough review before she headed off to high school, thus we chose to do the book straight through in one year. I thought it was manageable. This was her weekly schedule if I chose to have her to the Skills Support section (I didn't always. Eventually the Skills Support section of the lesson is dropped. At that point you can definitely do grammar four days per week.)


Day 1: Read notes, Ex. 1

Day 2: Correct Ex. 1, do Ex. 2

Day 3: Correct Ex. 2, do Ex. 3

Day 4: Correct Ex. 3, do Skills Support

Day 5: Test


I got the reinforcement book for my 6th grade dd as I am having her do AG over two years. I think the reinforcement book is absolutely necessary if you're going to do AG over anything more than a year. She just uses the reinforcement book once a week between seasons to keep the concepts fresh in her mind.


Hope that helps!

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Thanks to both of you. I'm leaning toward the three-year plan. I'll make sure I get the reinforcement book. Ds wants to do an online classical Greek tutorial that will take 10-12 hours a week, and with the rest of his schedule I think he's going to be swamped. Plus, the Greek will work on grammar, too.

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I am using AG over 3 years, but instead of 30-40 minutes daily, I spreadit out over much longer than 10 weeks, making it about 10 minutes a day over almost all year. Then, no reinforcement books are needed. We did take a term off though, but dd just picked up where we left off, no problems.

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I am using AG over 3 years, but instead of 30-40 minutes daily, I spreadit out over much longer than 10 weeks, making it about 10 minutes a day over almost all year. Then, no reinforcement books are needed. We did take a term off though, but dd just picked up where we left off, no problems.

Oh, I like this idea!! Thanks, Peela!

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