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Latin for 2nd'ish graders

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If they like songs you could try Song School Latin for a fun intro. I'm using it for my 2nd grader this fall. I used it with my 3rd son when he was in 3rd grade. He liked it O.K. but he's not really academically inclined towards anything. He would NEVER like any kind of spelling book. I really can't say he likes anything school/book related. My 1st grade dd at the time loved it.


It does have some finger puppets to make and I think there are some hand motions to some of the songs. It's fun. :001_smile:


btw, don't get the TM, just the student book - one for each kid. And unfortunately it will come with 2 CD's. I'm the proud owner of 3.:confused: They should really package that differently.

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It depends on what your goals are.


SSL is on the fluffy side; nice for building enthusiasm in young ones, which sometimes is all you can really do with Latin at that age. I believe it's written for K-2.


If they are reading very well, I can highly recommend GSWL http://www.gettingstartedwithlatin.com/faq.php. Lots of translation and grammar. My twin boys started it when they were in first grade. We got around halfway and never finished, only because now I don't see much point to doing it until it immediately precedes (so as not to forget the material ;)) whatever the next thing is in your plan. For us, the next thing is another program heavy in grammar and translation. Dd did finish GSWL, in about 3 months, when she was 9. Then we followed it with Henle (heavy duty). I plan to do the same with my boys (probably bringing them home for 4th grade; right now they are rising 3rd graders and attend school). So, we're waiting, though they've been asking me lately when they get to do it again. GSWL is a fantastic intro, brief but substantial - by the end the student knows the endings of the first and second declensions, among many other things (there's a list in the FAQ above). Written for all age levels.


With a young child such as 2nd grade, I'd do the GSWL translations orally. My boys thought they were lots of fun. Indeed, translations are the fun of Latin :)

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My ds uses SSL in 1st, and GSwL in 2nd. He loved and finished both of them. We will use Lively Latin in 3rd.


When we started GSwL, sometimes he would get bogged down if there were a particularly challenging lesson. On those days, we put GSwL away and played with Rummy Root cards. He enjoyed using them to play Concentration. The CAP website already mentioned was also fun for him to play with.

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We just finished Song School Latin on Friday. I recommend it for the young ones! My dd6 is sad that our new choices no longer have the coloring pages. She loves to write stories using her Latin vocabulary now.


I have GSW-Latin, Lively Latin, and just remembered we have Minimus Latin. For some reason she doesn't like how repetitive GSW-Latin can be, but maybe once we get to some more challenging lessons she'd appreciate it more. Lively Latin is the one I planned to use next, but I think we'll wait until fall. It seems the meatiest of our next choices I had lined up.


We'll do Minimus Latin for the summer instead. We already read the first lesson out of the student book. The little mouse comics are pretty cute, although I don't know much about the program as a whole yet. I am going to fork out the $61 for the teacher's manual for this, as I'm assuming it will have good resale value. I'll be getting the Minimus TE and CD on Tuesday and we'll start then. I'm hoping it will be a hit, and if we like it, we'll continue with the second book of Minimus after this.

Edited by Satori
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Song School Latin or Andrew Campbell's new Latin, I Speak Latin, would be a good fit for your boys. I Speak Latin has short-ish lessons, has lots of movement and hands on involvement, and looks fun. It's cheaper than Minimus (which I do have and my boys enjoyed, but I don't think it is worth the $$$, really), and GSWL is recommended as a follow-up.


My seven year old did SSL in first grade, and has done little more than half of GSWL this past year, along with Minimus. It was a good combo for him. The short lessons in GSWL were not overwhelming for him. GSWL was also good for me to learn along with him.

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We just finished Song School Latin on Friday. I recommend it for the young ones! My dd6 is sad that our new choices no longer have the coloring pages. She loves to write stories using her Latin vocabulary now.


I have GSW-Latin, Lively Latin, and just remembered we have Minimus Latin. For some reason she doesn't like how repetitive GSW-Latin can be, but maybe once we get to some more challenging lessons she'd appreciate it more. Lively Latin is the one I planned to use next, but I think we'll wait until fall. It seems the meatiest of our next choices I had lined up.


We'll do Minimus Latin for the summer instead. We already read the first lesson out of the student book. The little mouse comics are pretty cute, although I don't know much about the program as a whole yet. I am going to fork out the $61 for the teacher's manual for this, as I'm assuming it will have good resale value. I'll be getting the Minimus TE and CD on Tuesday and we'll start then. I'm hoping it will be a hit, and if we like it, we'll continue with the second book of Minimus after this.


I bought and sold my Minimus book for about 60$ or so. The cost of the book really came to just shipping... it was definitely worth it.

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