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Sometimes things don't go the way you plan....

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Doesn't surprise me!


My "little" brother is a keeper at the Jacksonville zoo... this summer when we visited him we got a back stage tour. He mainly keeps reptiles, but we also met his roommate, the keeper in charge of the rhinos and buffalos. We walked through the barn (which he had just cleaned, thankfully), and stood just a couple of feet away from a huge male water buffalo, through a gate. His comment to my kids was, "Step back. Don't get too close. They're mean, they're dangerous, and they will kill you."




This is my brother's roommate, and the buffalo.

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That poor baby water buffalo!:crying:


The lions getting a little chased (and tossed) didn't make up for that at all.






I agree. If it weren't for the fact there was enough of a teaser in the op to lead me to believe things ended well, I don't think I could have finished watching it - and known how it ended.


So, was it wrong of me to feel some satisfaction out of the lion receiving flying lessons? :001_huh:

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That poor baby water buffalo!:crying:


The lions getting a little chased (and tossed) didn't make up for that at all.







But, it got away!!!! It got away!!! :confused: No, I do understand where you're coming from. It's scary and a bit sad to witness what really happens out on the Savannah, isn't it? I guess I watch with a mind toward this being the balance of nature. Everyone's gotta eat, right? When my oldest (now 13) was a younger child, she couldn't stand to watch Disney movies where people got in trouble with evil stepmothers, or any movie where a person was facing conflict/confrontation that didn't seem justifiable. But, the real life stuff -- the National Geo. movies where wild creature got ripped to shreds in the name of some other creature's meal? Those didn't bother her in the least because they made sense. So, that's where I come at these kinds of things from. Hope I didn't offend you. :)




I agree. If it weren't for the fact there was enough of a teaser in the op to lead me to believe things ended well, I don't think I could have finished watching it - and known how it ended.


So, was it wrong of me to feel some satisfaction out of the lion receiving flying lessons? :001_huh:



Agreed! I knew how it ended before I watched it, too (someone I know tipped me off to the thing). Was it wrong of you to feel satisfaction? Gosh, I never even thought of that...I practically cheered!! Just desserts, that's what I'd call it! :lol:

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That was great!

I had heard about it, but hadn't seen it yet. I will show my kids later, I'm sure they'll love it.


It was great watching the water buffalo get even with the lions, just because it was all being filmed. It's fun to see the happy ending (from the buffalo's perspective) because we know that things don't usually end that way in the wild, and that's okay...it's the way it's supposed to be.


And nope, I don't feel badly about the flying lessons. That lion went on to find something else to eat, I'm sure.

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I am "real" enough to understand the ways of nature, but I will never, ever, like it.


My personal beliefs are that it didn't all start out this way, and that it won't finish up this way, and that the way things are now is second best. I'm waiting for "the lion to lie down with the lamb."


I was just expecting the poor little thing to get free much earlier in the game. He looked like he got kind of chewed up, and I have to wonder if he did indeed survive, and not succumb to shock or internal damage.


Of course, I can't stand evil stepmothers, either.:rolleyes:



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Doesn't surprise me!


My "little" brother is a keeper at the Jacksonville zoo... this summer when we visited him we got a back stage tour. He mainly keeps reptiles, but we also met his roommate, the keeper in charge of the rhinos and buffalos. We walked through the barn (which he had just cleaned, thankfully), and stood just a couple of feet away from a huge male water buffalo, through a gate. His comment to my kids was, "Step back. Don't get too close. They're mean, they're dangerous, and they will kill you."




This is my brother's roommate, and the buffalo.


How cool. We used to be frequent fliers at the jax zoo when we lived in Kings Bay, GA.


My kids loved the video! They were quite fired up by the end- "get em'! get em' Whahoo!"



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My personal beliefs are that it didn't all start out this way, and that it won't finish up this way, and that the way things are now is second best. I'm waiting for "the lion to lie down with the lamb."



I'm just curious. If this isn't how it all started, how or what did creatures eat? Did the lamb occasionally sacrifice itself to the lion willingly? Or were all creatures originally herbivores? Not trying to be snarky at all. Just haven't ever heard this line of thinking before and it intrigues me.

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Check out
of a lion attack on a water buffalo calf. Kids will love it!


"Battle at Kruger" had over 26 million hits last year. The NatGeo special had interviews with the man who shot the footage and others. It was very interesting.

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...and I watched it with my kids!

(...who know, that after multiple lion bites this little guy didn't most likely have the slightest chance to survive for good...)


Knowing (and accepting) how nature works is one thing - but I sure wish I hadn't suggested to my four and six-years olds to watch this!!!

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Genesis 1:30 says:


And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat.


I believe it was due to the sin of man that God's original intent was disrupted. I believe that both lion and lamb started out as herbivores, and that the next scripture reference leads me to believe that they will return to that state.


Romans 8:19-20 says:


For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same hope,

Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.


These are also the underlying scriptures we use as the foundation of our raw foods vegan lifestyle (in addition to Genesis 2:16, which says:

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest eat freely).


To many Christians, these verses don't play a significant part of their spirituality, for a number of reasons, I guess. But, it's just what we do. I think it's fairly common to hear the discussion that man was not permitted to eat meat until after the flood. I don't judge those who eat meat, because God allowed it. I do believe man will return to a vegan diet, so we just decided to do it ahead of time. :)


Oh, I could go on and on. Blah, blah, blah...





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...I think it's fairly common to hear the discussion that man was not permitted to eat meat until after the flood. I don't judge those who eat meat, because God allowed it. I do believe man will return to a vegan diet, so we just decided to do it ahead of time. :)


Oh, I could go on and on. Blah, blah, blah...





I appreciate you taking time to explain. :001_smile:

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