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Adults who talk non-stop annoy me

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We are friends with a couple. The husband is normal and takes turns in a conversation. The wife, however, is very prone to start talking and not stop long enough for anyone to get a word in. A few days ago, she went on a 20 minute rant about a topic. The other guest and I hardly got a word in. Then, she stopped, asked my opinion, and before I could get more than a sentence or two out, interrerupted me and started talking/ranting some more. I felt like I was being lectured. I finally gave up and got up to go get some water (even though I had enough).


What do you do with people like this? She doesn't usually rant and lecture, but she always seems to monopolize the conversation and not really listen when I speak. She's my mom's age, so she's had plenty of time to learn how to take turns in a conversation.

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It depends upon how close a friend she is, but, honestly, if we were close, I would try to talk to her about it. She may in fact not realize how annoying this habit is, and you could help her by bringing it up. She may not respond positively, but if you are gentle and kind, you could be helping her quite a lot.

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I'm more of a listener than a talker so I like people who talk, but I can't tolerate the constant talker types. The ones I've known literally can't seem to stop themselves from doing it, though I've heard them say out loud, "I'm sorry--I'm talking too much." I feel bad for them, but I still can't be around them for very long. It gives me such a headache and after a while it feels like my soul is slowly leaking out of my body.

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Even worse than hogging the conversation, I think the woman got the impression that I had no opinion about on the subject or had never thought about it! At one point, I contemplated saying, "I feel like you are lecturing me," but I kept my mouth shut.


I, too, am an introvert. American culture tends to assume there is something wrong with anybody who isn't very extroverted. One of my favorite proverbs is, "Where words are many, sin is not absent."

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I know someone like this, too.


The person is very nice and all but really does tend to go on and on and on-rinse, repeat, etc. you get the idea. :) I think a non-stop talker really has no idea what they are doing.


I don't talk with her very often (we're in different states) so the first 10 minutes of the conversation are usually really nice. ;) The repeating stuff does get old. I usually just let her talk. I figure it probably makes her feel really good about herself (hey! I'm interesting!!) so it won't kill me to let her talk.


Do you have to see this couple very often?

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