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If you've used Epi Kardia


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I always drool over Epi Kardia. I love the looks of it. It is in my future, I'm pretty sure, but I haven't used it yet. I really wish I would have went with it this coming fall for my youngers. I ended up buying something else but I bought quite a few of the books that Epi Kardia uses and we love them all. They have the BEST book list!!


Are you thinking of purchasing the Complete Plans? I know they suggest buying the Ancient plans for $25 in whatever grade you want to teach and you can use it to get a feel for the scheduling and see how they took the complete program and made it into a daily schedule.


Hopefully someone else can chime in. I'm not sure if anyone here has used it though. :bigear:

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I always drool over Epi Kardia. I love the looks of it. It is in my future, I'm pretty sure, but I haven't used it yet. I really wish I would have went with it this coming fall for my youngers. I ended up buying something else but I bought quite a few of the books that Epi Kardia uses and we love them all. They have the BEST book list!!


Are you thinking of purchasing the Complete Plans? I know they suggest buying the Ancient plans for $25 in whatever grade you want to teach and you can use it to get a feel for the scheduling and see how they took the complete program and made it into a daily schedule.


Hopefully someone else can chime in. I'm not sure if anyone here has used it though. :bigear:



Yes, I want to buy the complete plans because it seems to be the most economic package, and I would just have to make my own daily plans.

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I just got the K-2 complete program and the K lesson plans in the mail yesterday. If the 3-5th is layed out the same way, then I think you will like it. The CD that came with the complete program has a lesson plan framework that you can fill in to help you plan. I think if I had known about this I might not have ordered the lesson plans.


I love the book list, too. I checked out several titles from the library before I ordered the program.


I had to get a TexShare card so I can check out some of the other books from the local university's library. I haven't used it yet, so I'm not sure exactly how that works.


The activity suggestions aren't the most exciting ever, but all of them seem 'doable' so we'll probably do them and supplement some with other hands on things.


I didn't read much about it here. Maybe because it covers the history of the world in one year instead of the classical cycle.


I'm really enjoying looking through the materials. PM me if you need other information:)

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I also ordered the K lesson plans so that *someone else* can tell DH what to teach. He takes direction from a book well. From me, not so much. I think I may return the K lesson plans for the reason above.


I think their return policy is very generous. It eased some of my fears.

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I also ordered the K lesson plans so that *someone else* can tell DH what to teach. He takes direction from a book well. From me, not so much. I think I may return the K lesson plans for the reason above.


I think their return policy is very generous. It eased some of my fears.



Thank you so much!! Can you tell me what the language arts portion is like?

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Is there any place on the website to see a very small sample of the daily lesson plans? I think it is a little frustrating that you have to pay $25 for 6 weeks, I just want a peek at a few days of their structured plans to get a feel for them without having to order 6 weeks!



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Is there any place on the website to see a very small sample of the daily lesson plans? I think it is a little frustrating that you have to pay $25 for 6 weeks, I just want a peek at a few days of their structured plans to get a feel for them without having to order 6 weeks!





You can try the website, I think it's epikardia.com, but they have very few samples of the program there. I'm thinking I might email a few questions to them.

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Is there any place on the website to see a very small sample of the daily lesson plans? I think it is a little frustrating that you have to pay $25 for 6 weeks, I just want a peek at a few days of their structured plans to get a feel for them without having to order 6 weeks!




To see the Daily Lesson Plans samples follow this link:

http://www.epikardia.com/daily_lesson_plans.html Scroll down to see samples for each grade.


To see samples of what they call "Complete Plans" follow these links:.

http://www.epikardia.com/k-2_%20colonial_sample.pdf- K-2nd Colonial Sample


http://www.epikardia.com/Westward_Expansion_3-5.pdf 3rd-5th Westward Expansion Sample


http://www.epikardia.com/Civil_War_6-8.pdf 6th- 8th Civil War Sample


http://www.epikardia.com/Secondary%20Sample%20-Westward%20Expansion.pdf Highschool Westward Expansion Sample

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To see the Daily Lesson Plans samples follow this link:

http://www.epikardia.com/daily_lesson_plans.html Scroll down to see samples for each grade.


To see samples of what they call "Complete Plans" follow these links:.

http://www.epikardia.com/k-2_%20colonial_sample.pdf- K-2nd Colonial Sample


http://www.epikardia.com/Westward_Expansion_3-5.pdf 3rd-5th Westward Expansion Sample


http://www.epikardia.com/Civil_War_6-8.pdf 6th- 8th Civil War Sample


http://www.epikardia.com/Secondary%20Sample%20-Westward%20Expansion.pdf Highschool Westward Expansion Sample



Thank you!! I really liked the sample for grades 6-8, maybe I should wait and do that instead of grades 3-5.

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Thank you!! I really liked the sample for grades 6-8, maybe I should wait and do that instead of grades 3-5.


You're welcome. I know I really like them too. I think the Complete Plans are a lot more flexible, and I agree they look like they get better in the older grades.


Drexel- It took me a while to figure out the site. I've spent so much time on it, I know where most everything is now. The site is complicated to navigate.

Try these links for the Daily Lesson Plan Samples:


First Grade Daily Lesson Plans

Second Grade Daily Lesson Plans

Third Grade Daily Lesson Plans

Fourth Grade Daily Lesson Plans

They are currently working on 5th grade- no samples yet

Middle School Daily Lesson Plans-Level 1 I guess they are going to have more levels eventually for the Middle School plans.


Hope that helps.

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aquiverfull/Kelli--do you plan to use it in the upper grades? I'm thinking now that i'll probably just use what we have on hand for this year and then buy the 3-5 grade package and use it 4th and 5th grade and continue in the upper grades. I really like the looks of this program.

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aquiverfull/Kelli--do you plan to use it in the upper grades? I'm thinking now that i'll probably just use what we have on hand for this year and then buy the 3-5 grade package and use it 4th and 5th grade and continue in the upper grades. I really like the looks of this program.


Well I can't say for sure since I change my mind often. Something out there always looks so good and the grass is greener syndrome takes over. :lol:


However, with that approach, I'm finding that most curricula is all pretty much the same. When you've seen one, you've seen them all. ;)

Since I'm so picky and tweak most everything I use, I figure the "Complete Plans" would be good for me. It has the flexibility for us to go as deep as we like/or as little and the ability to substitute books.


I had considered using it for my 12 year old in the fall. In the end I went back with what we were using before...Trail Guide to Learning. It was because EK covers all of World History within the year and we're all over the map with that. We've covered Early American a few times, Ancient History, some Modern history, etc. So it just seemed like EK would repeat too much for us. However, in hindsight I could have just bought the Complete Plans and used only the history we wanted stretching it out all year. I just wasn't sure the "complete plans" would have enough books/activities for us to do that. In looking over the samples I think I could have made it work. Since I already have Trail Guide we are going to be using it instead. I'm not sure what I'll do for her next year.


One thing I'm considering for my younger girls is studying American history over a few years using the "Complete Plans" and pairing it with a spine like "A Living History of Our World". I might even consider the Daily Lesson plans just for the American portion over two grades. For example: purchasing "Set 2" Daily Lesson plans in both 1st and 2nd grade and spreading it out over a year for my 1st and 2nd grader. This fall they will be k and 1st, so that plan would be for the following year. Then after that purchase Set 3 for 2nd/3rd. That way we'd take two years to cover American History. Does that make sense?

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Well I can't say for sure since I change my mind often. Something out there always looks so good and the grass is greener syndrome takes over. :lol:


However, with that approach, I'm finding that most curricula is all pretty much the same. When you've seen one, you've seen them all. ;)

Since I'm so picky and tweak most everything I use, I figure the "Complete Plans" would be good for me. It has the flexibility for us to go as deep as we like/or as little and the ability to substitute books.


I had considered using it for my 12 year old in the fall. In the end I went back with what we were using before...Trail Guide to Learning. It was because EK covers all of World History within the year and we're all over the map with that. We've covered Early American a few times, Ancient History, some Modern history, etc. So it just seemed like EK would repeat too much for us. However, in hindsight I could have just bought the Complete Plans and used only the history we wanted stretching it out all year. I just wasn't sure the "complete plans" would have enough books/activities for us to do that. In looking over the samples I think I could have made it work. Since I already have Trail Guide we are going to be using it instead. I'm not sure what I'll do for her next year.


One thing I'm considering for my younger girls is studying American history over a few years using the "Complete Plans" and pairing it with a spine like "A Living History of Our World". I might even consider the Daily Lesson plans just for the American portion over two grades. For example: purchasing "Set 2" Daily Lesson plans in both 1st and 2nd grade and spreading it out over a year for my 1st and 2nd grader. This fall they will be k and 1st, so that plan would be for the following year. Then after that purchase Set 3 for 2nd/3rd. That way we'd take two years to cover American History. Does that make sense?



Yes, it does make since. I'm actually contemplating that right now as well. My 10th grader decided he wanted to go back to ancients because he doesn't remember much and would like to start at the beginning. Right now, i'm trying to decide if I should go back to ancients with my 3rd grader, continue with Ren. Reformation as was the plan or just go to American history for a few years and pick up Epi Kardia's 6-8 grade complete program when we get to that point. And like you :lol: i'm prone to changing my mind. I really do love the looks of EK, it reminds me a little of TOG and I really like that.

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I just ordered the Complete Plans for K-2. I like that there are so many suggestions to tie subjects together especially fine arts and science with history.


I also like the one year world history, I've been in agony over history and these small units of ideas feel like a good fit for me. I went back and forth over doing ancients vs. early US history and now that we can do both it is relieving! Not that I needed permission to do both but then again it hadn't occurred to me to do it this way and do a more general overview of subjects instead of getting so detailed in the early years.


I'll post back when I get it in the mail and get a chance to really look over it.

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I just ordered the Complete Plans for K-2. I like that there are so many suggestions to tie subjects together especially fine arts and science with history.


I also like the one year world history, I've been in agony over history and these small units of ideas feel like a good fit for me. I went back and forth over doing ancients vs. early US history and now that we can do both it is relieving! Not that I needed permission to do both but then again it hadn't occurred to me to do it this way and do a more general overview of subjects instead of getting so detailed in the early years.


I'll post back when I get it in the mail and get a chance to really look over it.


:iagree: please post back with a review. I'm particularly interested in the LA portion, even though my DS will be in 3rd grade, I would love to know your thoughts on it. Now, that you mention it, maybe i'll find a way to do a world history overview with my 3rd grader this year.

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Cool Drexel! Definitely keep us posted when you receive it. :)


mama25angels/Des- I know exactly how you feel! I have 6 years between my oldest whom I homeschool and the younger group. I go back and forth trying to decide whether I should keep them on the same history topic or not. I'd love to see them working together for some things. The problem is it's such a big age gap that it's hard to do so. I still haven't decided whether I'm going to separate them or not, but I'm leaning towards separating them.


I've said before that EK reminded me of TOG. The Daily Lesson Plans are also very similar to how Trail Guide to Learning is set up.

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Cool Drexel! Definitely keep us posted when you receive it. :)


I've said before that EK reminded me of TOG. The Daily Lesson Plans are also very similar to how Trail Guide to Learning is set up.


I've looked at ToG but I just can't tweak it to make it Catholic enough and it seems like an awful lot for early elementary. I like the Daily Lesson Plans that I saw on the EK site but I think I just will tweak too much to follow plans and I already am happy with L/A and science that I've got planned and will just use the occasional idea from these plans to sequence the units so they are more cohesive. I want the ideas and then fit it what I want to do and when (I think?).


The Paths Trail Guide To Learning series has been my plan for 3rd+ so that is good to see that you think the transition might be easy to make. Then again, who the heck knows what I'll do by the time I get there, I have already decided on TruthQuest and then Queen's Living History and then SOTW, drooled over KONOS and now EK. Clearly everything looks good to me and then I change my mind! I'm turning out to be quite the curriculum whore and this is getting very expensive. At least EK has a good return policy if I open it up and it is not what I want after all (or I've changed my mind again by the time it arrives!).

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Ladies, let's agree to keep each other posted if we decide to use this program, and those who do decide to use it please review it for us.

Ladies, I'd like to join this party too! I ordered the K-2 complete plans but sent them back. I thought it looked like too much planning and didn't really want to do ancient history while my kids are so young. So I have to figure out how to work Konos, Epi Kardia, Truthquest, Learning Adventures and TOG all in before my kids graduate!!:lol:

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Ladies, I'd like to join this party too! I ordered the K-2 complete plans but sent them back. I thought it looked like too much planning and didn't really want to do ancient history while my kids are so young. So I have to figure out how to work Konos, Epi Kardia, Truthquest, Learning Adventures and TOG all in before my kids graduate!!:lol:


YAY! Welcome to the Party!! :party:

I know... just too many good things out there and not enough years to do them all. :lol: Curriculum Addicts UNITE!

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Ladies, I'd like to join this party too! I ordered the K-2 complete plans but sent them back. I thought it looked like too much planning and didn't really want to do ancient history while my kids are so young. So I have to figure out how to work Konos, Epi Kardia, Truthquest, Learning Adventures and TOG all in before my kids graduate!!:lol:



:lol: yes welcome to the :party: we're glad to have you. I'm almost certain Epi Kardia is what my new K'er will be doing next year. I also wanted to mention that I have experience with all of those curricula except Konos and Epi Kardia. I loved Learning Adventures, the only reason we left it is because the next version wasn't ready. I wish I had kept it, I didn't know I was going to be adding two more kids at the time. TOG was good for one of my kids, but the other two did not enjoy it and even the one who loved it felt that I had made an idol of it, lol! We used TQ last year for MA and i'm thinking of using it for Ren.-Reformation & Explorers. I already have the guide, but i'm not sure if i'm going to try and stick with the 4yr. cycle or just do American and then move on to Epi Kardia or not.

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Just ordered the complete program for 3rd-5th for my 4th and 3rd grader.

We're going to start with Epi Kardia January though, because we're still half way through our American history (use HOD BIgger minus the bible stuff - pretty easy to take that out for this level).


We're planing to do 1.5 year of history rotation starting Jan 2012 using Epi Kardia 3rd-5th, then do the middle years 2 x 1.5 years (2 cycles, each 1.5 years).


I'll be in touch when the package comes, when I'm planning the lesson, and when we're doing it (next Jan).


Pls keep me posted ... especially if you're doing the middle school years.

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The samples of the complete curriculum seem to be a book list but not much else. I'm sure there is more than that to it but I just can't piece it all together from looking at their site!


That's basically all it is. There is a booklist, followed by an overview of the time period and a list of activities. There is a manual that comes with the complete lesson plans that tells you how to schedule and how to do your language arts using your books from the booklist. I didn't find the manual all that helpful - most of the info is readily available on other Charlotte Mason websites and books. If I were to get this again, I would definitely get the Daily lesson plans.

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That's basically all it is. There is a booklist, followed by an overview of the time period and a list of activities. There is a manual that comes with the complete lesson plans that tells you how to schedule and how to do your language arts using your books from the booklist. I didn't find the manual all that helpful - most of the info is readily available on other Charlotte Mason websites and books. If I were to get this again, I would definitely get the Daily lesson plans.


Oh NO !


So you reckon it's $95 down the drain ?

I saw the daily lesson plan .. it's good but it's expensive, and I am quite a tweaker. I thought that between the manual + the list + the overview I will be able to concoct up a plan which is as good as theirs. But you don't think that the complete plan (not the lesson plan) is enough as a guide ?

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Oh NO !


So you reckon it's $95 down the drain ?

I saw the daily lesson plan .. it's good but it's expensive, and I am quite a tweaker. I thought that between the manual + the list + the overview I will be able to concoct up a plan which is as good as theirs. But you don't think that the complete plan (not the lesson plan) is enough as a guide ?


Oh, I hope I didn't cause you to panic! You may get it and love it! Their booklist is awesome. You have 30 days to return it if you don't think it will work for you. Just check it out when it comes, then decide. You can email them with any questions.

I had the K-2 set and decided that I didn't want to do ancients with my kids just yet. I also wanted more hands on activities so we went with Konos.

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I know you no longer have the program, but in looking at the sample for K-2nd for Colonial Life is that the complete "unit booklet" for Colonial Life or was there more pages than what is shown? Do you remember how many pages each unit booklet was? Thanks!

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I know you no longer have the program, but in looking at the sample for K-2nd for Colonial Life is that the complete "unit booklet" for Colonial Life or was there more pages than what is shown? Do you remember how many pages each unit booklet was? Thanks!

Yes, that is the complete "unit booklet". The only thing missing is the overview of the time period that follows that. The overviews were anywhere from 4-7 pages long.

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Yes, that is the complete "unit booklet". The only thing missing is the overview of the time period that follows that. The overviews were anywhere from 4-7 pages long.


Oh well, I see why you were disappointed and completely understand why you felt it wasn't enough information to use for 3 years. I kept thinking there was going to be more to it in person. The overview is just information for the parent about the time period, like a summary of events, right?

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OK, I'm sure no one is surprised that I... changed my mind! :lol:


I cancelled my order and I did so because when I really looked at the scope and sequence I realized I would absolutely not use any of the ideas for L/A or Science. I did take their history scope and sequence for the year and tweak it to make my own year long history curriculum. I've got each mini-unit divided into how many weeks we'll spend and have attached books and activities, worksheets and field trips. Obviously it isn't done yet but I am feeling good about this decision - and saving myself some $! I did change the scope and sequence to reflect what I want to personally cover in history but I still have to give EK the credit for clueing me in that it is indeed possible to cover one year of history with an early elementary student.


I'm integrating our science and "social studies" (a la Core Knowledge) into the history sequence I am doing so it flows well. I'll post back in a few weeks when it is all finished in case anyone is interested. For instance, we'll be doing our unit on the solar system when we learn about Galileo and about geology when we are learning about Lewis and Clark and western expansion. Obviously it is all going to be light and appropriate for a first grader.


I created my own science too, I just couldn't quite find what I was looking for pre-packaged. I'll bet next year I'll be much less gung ho and will just order Sonlight or something like it because I'll be so burned out. :tongue_smilie:

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Looking at EpiKardia is what helped me choose to do a one year ride through history. It looked so enticing, but I decided on Sonlight and HOD simply because I could not stand the idea of writing lesson plans this year...how is that for lazy??


I am still looking at EK for the following year....maybe....hmmmmmm..... Very enticing:D


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Kelli, yes, the overview is a summary of the time period for the parent.


Drexel, that sounds awesome! I would love to see what you come up with!


Faithe, not lazy, smart! I hope to do a year or two of EK (with their daily lesson plans). I really love how the language arts are integrated into what you're reading for history and science.

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Ugh ... y'all make me feel like I'm wasting money.

Ah well, let's see whether I can swing it or else ... I return it.


Or may be I should order Learning Adventure (AWOA) instead - so I'm doing ancient thru reformation in one year or less (can't imagine doing egypt for 1 month) - looks like AWOA gives better bangs for the bucks. Then continue colonialism thru modern period (my own plan) so I cover everything from ancient thru modern in 1.5 years??


Their middle year booklet seems better though ...

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Ugh ... y'all make me feel like I'm wasting money.

Ah well, let's see whether I can swing it or else ... I return it.


Or may be I should order Learning Adventure (AWOA) instead - so I'm doing ancient thru reformation in one year or less (can't imagine doing egypt for 1 month) - looks like AWOA gives better bangs for the bucks. Then continue colonialism thru modern period (my own plan) so I cover everything from ancient thru modern in 1.5 years??


Their middle year booklet seems better though ...

Ooooh! I'm counting the days until my kiddos are old enough for AWOA!! Definitely more "bang for your buck"!

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Sorry Dian. Didn't mean to make you question. Maybe you will love EK. I think even the Complete Plans are a nice jumping off point. I think they could work great for a year. I just don't see how I would be able to stretch them out for longer than that (well the Middle School plans look easier to stretch into a few years).


With the Complete plans you'll have the framework and a lot of flexibility, so if you like scheduling and choosing your own books it should be great. :)


I have AWOA too. I like it, but we're not currently using it. We might pick it back up in the future.

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Sorry Dian. Didn't mean to make you question. Maybe you will love EK. I think even the Complete Plans are a nice jumping off point. I think they could work great for a year. I just don't see how I would be able to stretch them out for longer than that



:iagree: that's what I thought too, after looking at EK for the millionth time today.

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Sorry Dian. Didn't mean to make you question. Maybe you will love EK. I think even the Complete Plans are a nice jumping off point. I think they could work great for a year. I just don't see how I would be able to stretch them out for longer than that (well the Middle School plans look easier to stretch into a few years).


With the Complete plans you'll have the framework and a lot of flexibility, so if you like scheduling and choosing your own books it should be great. :)


I have AWOA too. I like it, but we're not currently using it. We might pick it back up in the future.


yes, the question is whether it's worth $95. I guess I'll be able to see when it arrives. My concern is not about stretching it, because I'll use it for 1.5 years anyway (instead of 1 yr cycle). We're going to start in January.

My concern is more about how detail it is and whether the manual + booklets can help me i creating a good lesson plan - much like theirs.


I saw their lesson plain today, and it's more just read this and read that, summarize/narrate this/that. It includes project ideas, LA, writing ideas, and Q&A. If the manual + booklets taught me how to do these - then I think it's a good investment. Because above all, I aspire to be a homeschool mom who can plan/customize and teach - like all veteran HS-er here.

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OK, I'm sure no one is surprised that I... changed my mind! :lol:


I cancelled my order and I did so because when I really looked at the scope and sequence I realized I would absolutely not use any of the ideas for L/A or Science. I did take their history scope and sequence for the year and tweak it to make my own year long history curriculum. I've got each mini-unit divided into how many weeks we'll spend and have attached books and activities, worksheets and field trips. Obviously it isn't done yet but I am feeling good about this decision - and saving myself some $! I did change the scope and sequence to reflect what I want to personally cover in history but I still have to give EK the credit for clueing me in that it is indeed possible to cover one year of history with an early elementary student.


I'm integrating our science and "social studies" (a la Core Knowledge) into the history sequence I am doing so it flows well. I'll post back in a few weeks when it is all finished in case anyone is interested. For instance, we'll be doing our unit on the solar system when we learn about Galileo and about geology when we are learning about Lewis and Clark and western expansion. Obviously it is all going to be light and appropriate for a first grader.


I created my own science too, I just couldn't quite find what I was looking for pre-packaged. I'll bet next year I'll be much less gung ho and will just order Sonlight or something like it because I'll be so burned out. :tongue_smilie:



I can't wait to see what you come up with either

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  • 1 month later...

I ordered Epi Kardia and I ended up sending it back. It isn't worth the high price tag, in my opinion.


However, I did fall in love with world history overview in one year after reviewing the materials. I set my own agenda: History sequence


We are finishing up our 6th week of school and it has been great. I've pulled from a lot of resources and I've found that the pace is actually pretty great for a first grader. I am not expecting her to learn detailed content at this point, I am solely trying to get her interested in history.


Next year we are going to go back through world history again but instead of focusing on Egypt we'll focus on Babylon. Instead of learning about Rome we'll visit Istanbul/Constantinople and Mali and so on through history up through the modern era. In third grade we'll probably start a traditional 4 year history cycle.


I don't actually think it is that hard to come up with a history sequence and find resources. Epi Kardia is an expensive book list! At any rate as we move through the year and find things that work and don't work well I will be creating a template sort of like the Guesthollow Am. History and put it up for free on my blog for anyone interested.

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