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Anyone involved in American Heritage Girls here?

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After perusing the website, Dd11 is excited for the possibilities.

I'd love to hear from those of you who may be involved in AHG. Anything, good or not so good, would be helpful.

We're not thrilled with the Girl Scout Journey program, so this may be a good alternative for us.

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We have been involved with AHG off and on (off when we were in Hawaii, but hear there is a new troop there now) for about 9 years.


Good: I like that many of the badges are focused on outdoor skills. I would say that it is more like Boy Scouts than it is like Girl Scouts in that regard. There is no national fundraiser, there is little emphasis on fundraising in most troops.


Bad: because there is no national fundraiser, it can be tricky sometimes. Many of our girls are military so their dads can't take brochures to work, don't have family in the area, etc.


Neutral: it is a Christian organization. Most troops take a fairly neutral stance. Our troop meets at a Charismatic church, but we have a range of people. Some people on either side won't like it. I think some troops have a different flavor in that regard.


You are expected to have a good, thriving relationship with your charter organization. They are expected to be sort of active participants. Life can be a little painful if your relationship is different.


What else would you like to know?

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Rebecca has been in AHG for a little over a year now. Our particular troop is just homeschooled girls and can be... a little (uh, lot) disorganized. But Becca absolutely adores it and our only fundraiser is a pancake breakfast once a year, so we do it. Sylvia will get to join in August. Our group is just now starting Pathfinders - they didn't have it in previous years, which is why Sylvia hadn't joined yet.

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Does your dd15 still participate?


No, when we moved back (in the middle of the year, which made things tough) none of her friends were still in it (my almost-13 year old still had friends involved). There was only one other girl her age in our troop. Also, I honestly didn't *encourage* it because eldest dd has a tendency to outshine middle dd. BUT, eldest is considering joining and asking to volunteer with the little kids next year.

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