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Need prayers- pneumonia, fatigue and upcoming move

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I got a very rapid pneumonia in Canada last week. ON Wednesday, I was fine. That night, I went to bed and woke up coughing horribly with lots of yucky and dark mucus. Got the hotel to look up Urgent Care since Candians don't really seem to have many of those and they actually found one for me. It only cost $45 for the doctor (I will be reimbursed by Tricare) but the antibiotic was expensive $65. Anyway, I am back home and saw myt doctor here today., He ordered a chest xray and prescribed large doses of prednisone because my lungs were so congested. I am so tired. We are moving in less than a month most likely though dh is having a very hard time with the military move office. My older d is going to orientation at college before that and I need to advise her on courses. Oldest is needing to buy a car. Swim and dive meets start next week. I am just exhausted. Prayers are very welcome. Especially since the antibiotic can make my coumadin to be too pwerful and although my INR level was great today, I need it checked again on Friday because my doctor thinks it will get too high. SO I have to watch for too much bleeding or bruising but with so much coughing, I am bound to get bruises since it is so hard to cough so much.

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