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My brain is fried, ideas please...

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For those of you that don't do school over the summer, what kinds of activites do you plan for you kids to do? My ds has a friend who comes over a lot during the summer. Love this kid, he's a good kid and the boys get along great. Typically they spend all day together which I am totally fine with, but I want to avoid the all day video game sessions. I am trying to put together a list of things for them to do instead, like a Mom's Survial Kit for the Boys of Summer. There is a pool for them to swim in so that's good for about an hour or two. They are active boys who like to "do" things. I am thinking like cooking, crafts, scienc-y stuff. Sadly, my brain is shot. Any ideas, or websites the hive can recommend to spark my creativity?

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The boys down the street from us are digging some sort of underground shelter. They're outside everyday with shovels.


The Dangerous Book is good. There is also a Handy Boys book. Lego Mindstorms are good for that age too.


If they are already accustomed to playing video games all day, there will be resistance to other activities.

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For those of you that don't do school over the summer, what kinds of activites do you plan for you kids to do? My ds has a friend who comes over a lot during the summer. Love this kid, he's a good kid and the boys get along great. Typically they spend all day together which I am totally fine with, but I want to avoid the all day video game sessions. I am trying to put together a list of things for them to do instead, like a Mom's Survial Kit for the Boys of Summer. There is a pool for them to swim in so that's good for about an hour or two. They are active boys who like to "do" things. I am thinking like cooking, crafts, scienc-y stuff. Sadly, my brain is shot. Any ideas, or websites the hive can recommend to spark my creativity?


I would just tell them no video games and let them come up with ideas. :D

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I polled my boys last week and here are some things we've come up with for every one:


Trail biking


roller skating (check the closest rink for hours)


The olders will be playing air soft with the neighbors, dh wants to go play put put, I want to go swimming, the youngest wants to go to an "adventure" playground. We plan on going to the library once a week and the beach a couple of times. We are also planning a trip to DC.


The 17yo has a part time job, that helps keep him busy. Plus he bought himself a summer pass to a local theme park. He also bikes around the neighborhood with his 12yo brother.


If they get bored, there is always grass to mow and a garden to weed.

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