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Anyone use Teaching Textbooks with the CDs?


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I'm using Horizons and I have a love/hate relationship. I love it but I need more hand holding. I'm looking at teaching textbooks and it seems to explain everything into detail. I would rather just use the books and not the CDs if possible. Can you? Does anyone else?

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Yes, you can use just the text and not the CDs. All the problems are listed in the book.


For the younger grades (TT Math 3 through 7), the CDs are interactive, meaning the child can do all of the math through the CDs. They type their answer in and get instant feedback. It will tell them if the answer is wrong so they can do the problem again and it'll make a cute little clapping sound or something like that if they get it right.


So my youngest son never used the book for the earlier grades... everything was done on CD. The only exception was for TT Math 7 where he did follow along with the textbook when it taught geometry, so he could use it to recall the various shapes.


For the upper levels, the opposite is true (although they're in the process of redoing the upper levels and I think it's to make the CDs interactive for the upper grades, too, but I'm not sure).


For Prealgebra and up, my kids rarely used the CDs. They would view the lecture for the lesson (15-20 minutes on average) and then completed the written lesson on paper using the textbook. The only time they pulled out the CDs was if they missed a problem and couldn't figure out the solution. Then they'd get the corresponding CD out of the case and watch as that exact problem was solved for them.


I love TT. It's something that they can truly do completely on their own with very little help from me.

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We switched to Teaching Textbooks this past year for the very reason that I wanted them to become more independent. It worked well, they (9yo twin boys) enjoyed it. Well mostly, at least no complaining when I said it was time for math:) But we did supplement with flash cards for multiplication/division. They used the cd's primarily, I did have them do the written quizzes to put into their portfolios.

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We have used tt 5 and now 6, my daughter loves them, told me just today that she doesn't want to use any other math. however, she NEVER has used the nextbook, she doesn't like textbooks at all. We do it all online, I didn't even buy the book this year just the cd's. I can print out her test grades for her portfolio. its all great. she has done better on the computer with this program, and grading her instantly to see any problems before they arise. I love tt. HTH, NANCT


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Ds prefers to use only the textbook. He moves a lot faster without the CDs. Every now and then he'll try it with a CD, but half way through a lesson he'll go back to curling up on the couch with the textbook and a pencil.


I bought TT5 with every intention of using the CDs. He used them until we got to the 2nd disc. Now we're about to start TT7 - thankfully I still had it left over from when dd used it (dd loved the CDs, lol).


The company won't let you just buy the book, though. :glare:

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We loved TT for the upper grades. Didn't have it available for the lower ones. I assume we'll eventually use it with our youngest.


The company won't let you just buy the book, though. :glare:


Really? You used to be able to. I know several high school kids that only used the book. :001_huh:

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Ds prefers to use only the textbook. He moves a lot faster without the CDs. Every now and then he'll try it with a CD, but half way through a lesson he'll go back to curling up on the couch with the textbook and a pencil.


I bought TT5 with every intention of using the CDs. He used them until we got to the 2nd disc. Now we're about to start TT7 - thankfully I still had it left over from when dd used it (dd loved the CDs, lol).


The company won't let you just buy the book, though. :glare:


I believe if you call them they will sell the book only. Also Sonlight sells the textbooks.

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I guess you could but in my opinion the CDs are what make the program. They are what makes it easy to understand and fun.


I agree. Indy lurves TT (seriously, he begs to do math!), but it's the CD's that make it for him. Without them, I think it might be kind of dry. There are also explanations if you get an answer wrong, that you can't get in the textbook.



The company won't let you just buy the book, though. :glare:


I believe if you call them they will sell the book only. Also Sonlight sells the textbooks.


I was going to comment, but she said it! If you want just the text, you can probably call them and they'd sell one, as they sell extra texts for more than one child.

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Really? You used to be able to. I know several high school kids that only used the book. :001_huh:


I called them last year and asked. A woman on the phone said they only sell the book separately if you had already bought the CDs and either need a second book, or ruined or lost the first book. I wonder if they changed their minds since then...

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This is exactly what I do with ds #2. The format of the lessons and the amount of review are perfect for him. He loves the consistency. For these levels (we started with TT 4 and are now in TT 6), I can teach him the lessons without any problem. Ds #1 started with pre-algebra, and I bought the CDs because my algebra skills are rusty; we've used pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry and used the CDs for all of those.


But for the earlier years, just the textbook has been just fine.


I get mine from CBD. It sells the textbook and the answer key for about $40.

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We use both the CDs and book. I like my kids to have the practice of writing down answers. I like the CDs because at least in our home, my kids can get very *emotional* about math (and I admit, impatience on my part at times). By having an instructor on CD, there is no issue with anger or insecurity. They simply listen and re-listen as much as they need to. The computer doesn't get impatient and annoyed when he has to explain the same thing five times. Now I have an hour to myself every day, because elementary math actually CAN be taught by a computer. It is a win-win for us.


I will say I think TT requires some oversight and supplemental work, though, especially in mastery of basic facts.


If you are not getting the CD, I'm not sure what the advantage of TT is. Math Mammoth is cheaper and has more written instruction on the assignments, for example.

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Yep, I don't see the point without the cd's. Kind of like Math u see without the dvds.;)

I would like to point out that TT has all the instructions in the workbook as well. Math-U-See does not (if I'm remembering correctly).


One can use TT without the cd. Of course you don't get the benefit of the instant grading and all but it's not as if there is any math instruction missing.

Edited by Homeschooling6
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