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Debate on Tuesday

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Is anyone else excited to watch the GOP Presidential primary debate on Tuesday?

I love election season (although the people I support rarely, if ever, win!).


It is at 8pm ET on CNN, and will include:


Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann,

businessman Herman Cain,

Newt Gingrich,

Texas Representative Ron Paul,

former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty,

former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney,

former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum.


It's weird how much later this cycle is starting than in 2007-2008.


EDIT: It is actually on MONDAY, June 13!

Edited by tntgoodwin
put the wrong day!
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About 16 of Newt's top level campaign people resigned en masse yesterday. Many of them have ties to Rick Perry, which is what started that rumor. Newt and his campaign staff had different ideas on strategy, but he says he is continuing to run. We will have to see what happens!

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Things are strange when I am rooting for Romney.


I don't *think* the field is going to remain the same. I think a lot of potential nominees want to continue collecting their Fox paychecks for a while longer. Again, I also think a lot of the real contenders are sitting this one out.

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I don't *think* the field is going to remain the same. I think a lot of potential nominees want to continue collecting their Fox paychecks for a while longer. Again, I also think a lot of the real contenders are sitting this one out.


You are likely right. I just dislike all these debates with the crazy eyes. Get the rest of the real people please!


Is Bobby Jindal not running? I figured he would be running.

Edited by Sis
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I don't *think* the field is going to remain the same. I think a lot of potential nominees want to continue collecting their Fox paychecks for a while longer. Again, I also think a lot of the real contenders are sitting this one out.


Boy I hope so!

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Are you talking about the New Hampshire debate on CNN? If so, I think it is on Monday, June 13th - 8pm Eastern and 5 pm Pacific...Heard about it on the news this morning and that is what the banner on CNN's website says.


Oh my goodness...for some reason I was thinking June 13 was Tuesday! Thanks!

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2016. Jindal doesn't want to run against Obama.


It might take till 2016 for people to forget about his disastrously bad performance with his "response" to the 2009 State of the Union speech. It was a not ready for prime time moment.



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I don't *think* the field is going to remain the same. I think a lot of potential nominees want to continue collecting their Fox paychecks for a while longer. Again, I also think a lot of the real contenders are sitting this one out.


I think the Republicans are going to use 2012 to try to retake the Senate and wait for 2016 to try to take the WH.




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