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What would you use to cover a little history over the summer?


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I want to keep it very light, but touch on all subjects. I have purchased the Complete Curriculum and Painless Junior Science for dc to do over the summer. I know what something that touches a little on history..a short passage to read and answer a few questions.


Is there anything like this??

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American history, since SOTW does not cover American history in as much depth as I'd like. I know there are study guides out there, but I don't honestly know how much they have of work for the student in the form of questions. I'm just going to pow in and see what happens.

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The kids are picking out a history/biography book that interests them each week. They love to tell me all the interesting tidbits they have found. I have found they enjoy history more because it is more relaxed and they get to choose what interests them over the summer. They tend to jump around all of the years, but they always manage to find something that fascinates them.

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I am brand new to homeschooling but I looked thru SOTW Volume 2 AG to prepare for next year. While doing so, I saw a battle scene with the Celts . They put blue paint all over their bodies and it shows how to make their axes. There are also instructions on how to make Roman weapons. So we are going to invite the whole neighborhood and make the weapons and have a Celts vs Romans fight then have a barbarian feast with no utensils and lots of messy food. Cant wait!!

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Audio books recorded by by Jim Weiss would also be a great way to tie literature to your history cycle. There are a number of great selections that go with SOTW including stories retelling Shakespeare plays, stories of Renaissance artists and Galileo and his scientific contributions, stories about "good Queen Bess" King Arthur, Robin Hood, Sir Lancelot and others; they are listed chronologically on his web site. My dc have really enjoyed listening to them this year, and they have enriched our history studies.

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We have all of the SOTW on CD's and will listen to the in the car and especially on long trips. We listen out in the country and spend a lot of time in the car. (Gas prices are killing us)

Last summer we were listening to Vol.3 when my husband said enough already! He did not think they were absorbing it...but when we turned it off, my then 10yr ds said "Hey, I was listening to that." But he is my auditory learner.

We also listen to historical fiction.

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