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nerve conduction test in AM

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I've been having some severe carpal tunnel problems lately in both my hands-over the years I've seen my hand stregnth decline (just turned 40),but lately it's just been about unbearable. I wake up in the middle of the night and my hands will either be numb or throbbing and hurting. I've used those hand brace things and sometimes it helps-but most of the time doesn't. It hurts to hold my toothbrush,the steering-wheel, and stirring something by hand for longer than a few seconds is just unbearable.I either get the mixer out or call the hubby for help. Even holding the prayer book and hymnal in church last week was painful. The fingertips on my left hand are numb practicly all of the time. The right hand isn't as bad but it still hurts with certain activities. I can't do any of the hobbies I enjoy (crochet-cross stitch). I saw a dr about it a few years ago but he was more interested in giving me a BOOB reduction than doing anything to my hands (and I didn't even go in for that problem)-so I didn't go back to him. It got so bad that hubby made me make an appt with our family dr and he is sending me for the testing and then to see an orthapedic surgeon. I've already checked with our insurance and they cover the surgery at 100% thank goodness....I really hope there is something they can do for me that doesn't involve surgery but I'm not too hopeful. I want some relief if there is any hope of that,but I just dread it all......

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:grouphug: That sounds severe. :grouphug: I had a nerve conduction a year or so ago.


My mother did the surgery.


You might have alternatives to try first (like steroid treatment) that might have a better outcome. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/538124 Here is a study comparison of the two treatments for example. If you've lost muscle strength though you may have limited options now.

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