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Police Kick Down Door to Collect Unpaid Student Loan?

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ABC News Video on YouTube


According to this man, the police kicked in his door, handcuffed him, and held him for over 6 hours in a police car. The warrant was for unpaid student loans. According to the anchorwoman at the end of the broadcast, the police say that they did not kick in his door, handcuff him, or hold him for 6 hours. From the video, the door to his nice home in a nice neighborhood is very obviously kicked in.


Without video of the event, there's no way of knowing how that door got kicked in or who did it, but he does have whatever legal paperwork he was given.


Is he lying or are they really using police to harass student loan holders?

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Well, I know someone who owes $30,000 in student loans, since about 1995, and keeps on not paying it, but no one has ever harassed him about it! It seemed like the loan agency had just written it off as uncollectable. I've often wondered about why he was just let off the hook. That's what makes me doubtful about this story.

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Well, I know someone who owes $30,000 in student loans, since about 1995, and keeps on not paying it, but no one has ever harassed him about it! It seemed like the loan agency had just written it off as uncollectable. I've often wondered about why he was just let off the hook. That's what makes me doubtful about this story.



I thought the gov't could garnish taxes and wages for unpaid student loans. I will have a quite substantial amount but hope to defer them as soon as I am done until we can secure a good job so I can start paying them.

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Huh. So the US Department of Education now had weapons and police powers. :confused::confused: I guess calling it a "semi-independent branch" of the DOE is supposed to make us feel better.


They are now saying that it wasn't over student loans as reported. But the DOE served the warrant and is fielding press inquiries, so it isn't like the raid was for terrorism or meth. Ick. Ick Ick Ick.






U.S. Department of Education spokesman Justin Hamilton confirmed for News10 Wednesday morning federal agents with the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), not local S.W.A.T., served the search warrant. Hamilton would not say specifically why the raid took place except that it was part of an ongoing criminal investigation.

Hamilton said the search was not related to student loans in default as reported in the local media.

OIG is a semi-independent branch of the education department that executes warrants for criminal offenses such as student aid fraud, embezzlement of federal aid and bribery, according to Hamilton. The agency serves 30 to 35 search warrants a year.


Search Warrant:


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Well, if there was a warrant for his arrest, I'm guessing the police behavior is tied to the *warrant*, not the *student loan* part of it.


It certainly seems that this could easily be a case where police went too far however.

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Well, if there was a warrant for his arrest, I'm guessing the police behavior is tied to the *warrant*, not the *student loan* part of it.


It certainly seems that this could easily be a case where police went too far however.


You missed the part that the POLICE didn't serve the warrant. The Office of the Inspector General, a branch of the Department of Education, served the warrant.


from the news article I read, it wasn't a warrant for him, but for his ex wife who doesn't live there. They put him in the police car, handcuffed while they searched the house for her.


I think I read they kept him there for something like 6 hours!

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