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A Child's History of the World question

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I would have the child give a narration and maybe draw a picture for each reading session. Just me, though. The Calvert set is a wkbk full of partially filled in outlines and some (we thought) lame 'enrichment' activities for some of the chapters. Not worth the full price tag.

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Calvert offers a book of fill-in-the-blank outlines for each chapter. (We did this years ago, and while I liked it mostly, I did find a few were less-than-intuitive and required me to squint a bit at the chapter before I figured out what they were asking for...) The set also includes some simple puzzles (word searches, etc) and a few ideas for projects. I don't recall the projects being anything special. The poster-timeline that Calvert sells is nice too...

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I was really impressed when I looked at the samples of the Sonlight Teacher guide. Now I'm thinking of maybe just purchasing the teacher guide and using it. Has anyone done that? I'm not terribly familiar with Sonlight and I know I don't want to do the whole curriculum, but the history part looked so good!

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Calvert offers a book of fill-in-the-blank outlines for each chapter. (We did this years ago, and while I liked it mostly, I did find a few were less-than-intuitive and required me to squint a bit at the chapter before I figured out what they were asking for...) The set also includes some simple puzzles (word searches, etc) and a few ideas for projects. I don't recall the projects being anything special. The poster-timeline that Calvert sells is nice too...


We had this too, and I liked it. It is not nearly as good as the SOTW activity guides, but it does have some similarities in the activities part in the back. I had my son fill in the blanks for the outlines after we read and discussed together as reinforcement. He looked the answers up in the chapter to get the visual learning component as well as the auditory.

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Love Child's History of the World. Its my favorite history book.

Reading it out loud is enough. We never really did use the Activity book that went along with it.

We did do some lapbooking , such as when we read about Egypt, we made an Egyptian lapbook. That was actually more fun and my girls got more out of it.


I don't recommend the Activity book that goes along with it for a 2nd grader though. Its really geared towards children in 4th grade and above.

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We used Sonlight for many years, and the teacher guides are fine, but there will be MANY more books scheduled in the guide, so if you're looking for something that's just for CHOW you could find a cheaper option. SL IG's are expensive, and really only worth the money if you want the guides for each individual book that are included, and the full schedule for readers & read alouds along with the history books.


History Odyssey Level 1 uses CHOW as their alternate spine (we switched to HO Ancients after starting SL Core 1 and not liking it - we liked HO much better for that age). It follows the 4-year history cycle, though, so you won't be covering the whole book in one year.

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